Bunting Stuff

Another tough night for the Tarheels. So bad that it looks like they are getting worse.

…following a 23-0 loss to lowly Virginia, you’d have to say there is much more wrong about UNC’s performance on the field than there is right. I would challenge anyone who watched Thursday night’s game to find a bright spot in the Tar Heels’ play.

It was clear by mid-September that neither Virginia nor UNC would be going places this fall. But over the past two weeks, Virginia has gotten better and Carolina has gotten worse.

Before the shutout last night, the local media was talking about Bunting in the past-tense. After the game, 850TheBuzz had this perspective of some things.

I very much enjoyed this entry over on FansBlog.com that is focused on the N&O’s hypothetical list of potential candidates for the Carolina job.

Obviously someone at the N&O has a pretty high view of the UNC job. Too high, I’d say.

Of the names mentioned, SFN would personally fear Bobby Johnson and Paul Johnson more than would initially register with the average fan. What both of these Johnsons have done with the Vandy and Navy programs, respectfully, deserves a lot of credit. Bobby Johnson and Jim Grobe are probably two of the most under-appreciate coaches in America by the national media.

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28 Responses to Bunting Stuff

  1. BoKnowsNCS71 10/20/2006 at 2:10 PM #

    It’ll be over when the fat guy sings.

  2. Woof Wolf 10/20/2006 at 3:58 PM #

    The football coaches at the Big Four schools were all linebackers. Grobe is having a great year, but his career record at Wake is 32 – 33. Chuck leads the ‘Pack’ at 49 – 31 for his career, but is only 15 – 14 over the last two and a half years. Both may be great coaches, but the jury is still out.

    Bunting’s career record is 26 – 48. Roof is 5 – 28. If I were looking for a new coach and saw linebacker on a resume, I think I might toss it.


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    We’re tracking StateFansNation on the Basketblog. Get over there!!!

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