The “Fire Bunting” Movement Grows

Scroll down the front page of SFN and you will see a couple of entries where we focused a little on John Bunting yesterday.

Today we see that the movement has grown as there is now a website dedicated to the cause:

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56 Responses to The “Fire Bunting” Movement Grows

  1. BoKnowsNCS71 09/27/2006 at 3:08 PM #

    Mark Price just turned down the job at UNC.

  2. redfred2 09/27/2006 at 3:27 PM #

    ^Heels Perspective

    Now that’s what I call “class.” NCSU does truly have a shining example of something greater to aspire to, as exhibited from one of the folks over there in powder blue heaven.

    As for game in Death Valley, and the later one in Raleigh last Saturday, they were pretty much carbon copies of one another. It was only that last Jimmy V-type, miracle pass, that will forever separate the two. That is, in my mind, anyway.

  3. BoKnowsNCS71 09/27/2006 at 3:46 PM #

    UNC deserves John Bunting. He’s a wonderful person. I hope he stays there for the next 10 years.

    Carter Fantasy — cool name. It’s only a fantasy to a Kenanite. CF is full every game, sold out and you NEVER EVER will see our school tying to sell season tickets in the N&O ads (plus going unsold).

    Selling out Kenan is the true fantasy (unless you start playing basketball games there) — yeah — that’s the ticket — basketball scrimmages at half time..

  4. BoKnowsNCS71 09/27/2006 at 3:57 PM #

    Oh and to the Wolfpackers out there. Remember the SFN advice concerning Mr D with CBS Sportsline. As it relates to the UNC lurkers and posters on this site.

    “Don’t feed the trolls” at UNC.

    And you know what? I’ll bet a state engineer or architect built most of the buildings over at eweNC.

  5. Cardiff Giant 09/27/2006 at 4:09 PM #

    “Your guy needs to beat Bunting before you can beat your chests over there in urine stained Carter Fantasy Stadium.”

    As opposed to the semen-stained aluminum of Kenan?

  6. redfred2 09/27/2006 at 4:28 PM #

    ^Cardiff- You are in rare form today, too funny!

  7. BoKnowsNCS71 09/27/2006 at 4:29 PM #

    Cardiff — No staining — their lips probably don’t drop much. lol

    Seriously, were there any arrests by CF cops that validate that urine story. Until someone gives me a name of a person arrested or cited — I’m going to treat it as an internet urban legend. I need verification before I accept it as fact.

    And if someone saw it happen and did not report the person but has the audacity to complain about it on the message boards — then they deserve to sit there next week.

  8. doatesjr 09/27/2006 at 4:57 PM #

    I’m just glad that the Pack finally won a game in football so they could turn there attention to something other than whining about their coach, bad calls, biased refs, biased media, etc. etc.

    The thing is that at UNC we don’t fool ourselves into thinking we are a football school. We are content to have mediocre (at best) results as long as we beat State and Dook, which has been pretty common as of late. We have other NATIONAL championship caliber teams that we can cheer for, like basketball, baseball, soccer, and the like. Unfortunately NC State fans/alumni do not have that luxury. So, have your fun and moments of laughter at UNC’s expense, but remember that when it comes to athletics as a whole, State doesn’t hold a candle to UNC. You can thank Lee Fowler for that.

  9. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 09/27/2006 at 5:00 PM #

    The piss happened. The festavil seating for the students is just plain stupid. Anyone know how many additional student seats have been added with the renovations over the last few years? We need more students at the games because they generally stay until then end. Most of them have lost their ability to focus after 8 hours of drinking but at least they stay in the seats. They don’t even leave to piss.

  10. class of 74 09/27/2006 at 5:32 PM #

    ^I thought they were just marking their territory. Isn’t that what wolves do?

  11. Cardiff Giant 09/27/2006 at 5:45 PM #

    “The thing is that at UNC we don’t fool ourselves into thinking we are a football school. We are content to have mediocre (at best) results as long as we beat State and Dook, which has been pretty common as of late.”

    Yes, that’s the party line now that you suck harder than an Electrolux. Unfortunately for you, the posts on the TurdPit predicting a “breakout season” and other nonsense are a matter of public record.

    Stop lying. You expected to be good – at least decent – this year and instead you are mired in Perma-Suck not seen since the first two years of the Mack Brown era. And this with a coach several years into it.

    Now, you do the same old UNC “Well, we were never really any good in football, anyway.” Christ, you people lie more than the Iraqi Information Minister. Away with you, sir.

  12. doatesjr 09/27/2006 at 7:35 PM #

    Mr. Giant,

    Actually, you have no idea what I believed about this season. Any person who was being honest and not looking through their powder blue glasses saw that this year had the potential to be a poor one for the Heels. So, you are wrong in your infinite powers of deduction, I am not lying. I did not expect to be good this year. I don’t expect to be good next year. But you are missing the point. The Heels haven’t been good since the days of LT (barring a brief stint under Mack “can’t win the big game” Brown), and most UNC fans really don’t give a crap. Yes, we’d like to be better, but we’re not holding our breath.

    The reason UNC folks say “we were never really good in football” is because it is true. I’ve seen a thousand posts on SFN highlighting the “do not care” attitude of many UNC fans. It is evidenced by many (too many) opposing fans filling Kenan Stadium when those seats should be occupied by Tar Heels. I don’t know a single alum (myself included of course) who honestly has the same passion for football that we do for basketball.

    All of these things are not lies, they are truths, and they are the norm in Chapel Hill. We accept it because we CAN, not because we want to. When State finds a sport that they consistently excel in, then maybe you can accept State’s mediocre destiny as well. So away with you, sir.

  13. highstick 09/27/2006 at 9:07 PM #

    Holtz turned around every school he was at?? I take issue with that! I’ll give him credit for turning around South Carolina for two years, then he turned it around again, left Spurrier with a mess to clean up and must have forgotten he was supposed to recruit.

    I’ve always wondered how much of Holtz’s first NC State team was a result of his recruiting. Seems like he was left with a pretty good stable even though the 1970 team didn’t have such a good record. Did he actually recruit the Buckey’s, Charlie Young, Willie Burden or were they already signed? I was a student then, but my feeble mind is slipping! I know Bruce Shaw was the starting QB and broke Gabriel’s passing records his senior year.

    I followed him very closely at SC(because of my Gamecock son), but after his second Outback Bowl win, the program went to hell. There was a lot of talk about that on the postgame show after they just barely beat Wofford.

  14. Cardiff Giant 09/27/2006 at 9:08 PM #

    ^ Nope. I’ve seen you people spin this one too many times. Your arrogance pre-season is overwhelming, but when the sad, sad, results unfold, you rely on the old “We’ve never been any good anyway.” I’ve seen it for decades now – as has any State alum who pays attention.

    What makes this year particularly amusing is that the hopes for the ram-punchers were even higher than normal, as echoed by the Holes’s stable of loyal media stooges. Here’s just one example, Farrell on ESPN, who muses about the Tar Hole “sleeping giant” posing for a breakout season (pause for laughter before reading):

    Now, there are some good, honest UNC fans whose views I respect, such as Bob Lee Swagger and, well, Bob Lee Swagger. Most of you are arrogant toolbags, as examplified by your posting so truculently on the subject of football on (a) a board where your views are welcomed approximately as much as your average jihadist, and (b) while you team is getting its collective sacks placed in its collective mouths.

  15. doatesjr 09/27/2006 at 9:35 PM #

    Cardiff, I suggest that you not stereotype me into a role when you have no idea who I am and what I think. If I did the same to State fans, then I’d say you were a bunch of beer-swilling, hog-tying, rednecks. But I am not stupid enough to assume that just because that is the type of fan that frequents Kenan when the Heels and Pack meet, that every fan is of that ilk. I have close family members who are State grads and I respect your University and hold it in high regard (educationally at least).

    Honestly, I don’t give a shit if you want my opinion, because this is a blog and all are free to rant at will. If you look back at my posts on SFN, I think you’ll find they are unbiased and thoughtful. There are some who post here that could take a lesson from that.

    So I suggest you cool your heels and, if you so desire, kiss my ass.

  16. bTHEredterror 09/28/2006 at 1:48 AM #

    Hey junior. If your opinion is so unbiased, why intimate that you are an (ardent apparently) fan of the sworn rivals of the majority of this sites posters? Why not post this neutral gem of lucidity and admire the response? Seems obvious, upon introspection, huh? Why not navigate to some Spurrier, I mean, superior site where you and your coalition of erudite bandwogoneers can reflect on your world domination and most favored child of god status?

    “Actually, you have no idea what I believed about this season. Any person who was being honest and not looking through their powder blue glasses saw that this year had the potential to be a poor one for the Heels.”

    ‘Methinks thou dost protest to much’, I have seen the collective look on your faces close up, and NONE I have spoken with envisioned this dismal start, any more than we did ours. Looking forward to that sacred pilgrimage to South Bend now? The refs arms are gonna be up in the air more than touchdown Jesus’ on that beautiful Saturday.

  17. class of 74 09/28/2006 at 7:09 AM #

    ^the ref’s for that game better start lifting weights now. Their stamina will be taxed to the max that fine day.

  18. redfred2 09/28/2006 at 8:54 AM #

    “If I did the same to State fans, then I’d say you were a bunch of beer-swilling, hog-tying, rednecks.”

    I had a long post on written on this topic yesterday but decided to trash it.
    Anyway, when you see “rednecks” and “Moo U” type slurs beginning to crop up everywhere once again, feel good about it.

    FEEL VERY GOOD ABOUT IT!!! It is a sign.

    It harkens back to the days when those terms were first originated by others who had really nothing to say about athletics, they couldn’t when the Wolfpack was mopping the floor and embarrassing their favorite teams year after year after year.

    It’s just a primal and final defense mechanism for them. A final, last gasp utterance, when there is really isn’t anything intelligent left for them to say.

    Things are ever changing, everything becomes passe in time, even colors. The excitement is Raleigh once again, and right now the color RED is pouring out all over and starting to flood this state once again.

  19. Cardiff Giant 09/28/2006 at 9:31 AM #

    “Honestly, I don’t give a shit if you want my opinion, because this is a blog and all are free to rant at will.”

    Actually, that’s not the case, if you think about it carefully.

    “If you look back at my posts on SFN, I think you’ll find they are unbiased and thoughtful. There are some who post here that could take a lesson from that.”

    Again, your posts on this thread are about as unbiased as Tokyo Rose, or Lord Haw-Haw (perhaps the latter is a more accurate comparison). But then again, it is always the most unreasonable who constantly proclaim their allegedly reasonable behavior. Either way, to quote a forum mosquito, I don’t give a shit.

    “So I suggest you cool your heels and, if you so desire, kiss my ass.”

    I’ll pass. The average UNC fan’s ass has had far too much third party activity, you see. And we State folks just don’t do that.

  20. BobLee 09/28/2006 at 10:21 AM #

    Just remember, all these coaching “short lists” are being mentioned by UNCers who rode “the short bus”. The closest any of these galoots ever got to a Rams Clubber is mowing his yard.

    John’s future is still in flux. The next 3 games are especially important. UVa is REALLY important.

    NOTHING brings a fan bases’ bottom feeders to the party like a coaching hemorrage. Yeeeee Haaaa!


  21. Cardiff Giant 09/28/2006 at 10:45 AM #

    ^ Well said and good points, my friend.

  22. Heels Perspective 09/28/2006 at 11:01 AM #

    Dear Cardiff,

    I’ll pass. The average UNC fan’s ass has had far too much third party activity, you see. And we State folks just don’t do that.”

    As a health care provider in the Raleigh area including both major hospitals for 20+ years, I can tell you that the gay community is much more active within your fanbase than you could ever imagine. In fact, the LTR holder in the seats beside you may just be fantasizing about you without your overalls and straw hat………

  23. redfred2 09/28/2006 at 11:31 AM #

    “In fact, the LTR holder in the seats beside you may just be fantasizing about you without your overalls and straw hat………”

    I love it, “overalls” are back in play. The powder blue among us are once again scrambling for something, ANYTHING, to talk about…besides football that is.

  24. redfred2 09/28/2006 at 12:02 PM #

    As far as the problem in the stands, that’s one for someone over in the NCSU engineering department to straighten out before the FSU hits town. I’m sure it will be done.

    Good thing the folks over in Chapel Hill don’t to have worry with over crowding problems. I can’t imagine how many candles and insense sticks it would take to dry out Kenan Stadium. Then there would be the wax to deal with…

  25. Cardiff Giant 09/28/2006 at 12:09 PM #

    “As a health care provider in the Raleigh area including both major hospitals for 20+ years,”

    Translation: I’m a male nurse.

    ” I can tell you that the gay community is much more active within your fanbase than you could ever imagine. In fact, the LTR holder in the seats beside you may just be fantasizing about you without your overalls and straw hat………”

    Mmmhmmm. Sure he is. Nursie.

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