Poor Decisions Killing the Pack

“Poor decisions Killing the Pack”

Does that sound familiar?

Sure it sounds familiar to NC State football fans who have followed the Wolfpack in the 6+ years of the Chuck Amato era. Excessive penalties and turnovers indicated an extreme lack of discipline that helped wrecked the Wolpack’s most recent two football seasons. Even the Philip Rivers years saw the program consistently mismanage the clock, spend timeouts like a sailor in a whorehouse, and get out coached with game-strategy at most turns.

So, is it any real surprise that poor decisions continue to haunt the program today?

As an example from Saturday night – late in the 3rd quarter at Southen Miss, NC State was down 23-10 and had the ball with a 1st down and goal from the Southern Miss six yard line.

Despite having Andre Brown and Toney Baker in the back field, Offensive Coordinator Marc Trestman inexplicably decided to put Marcus Stone in a position where Stone would exercise judgement and need to make key decisions on the field.



On the play, Stone scrambled away from pressure to his left and had a lane to pick up some yards and possibly score a touchdown. Instead, one of the most inaccurate passers in college football chose to throw completely against the momentum of his body and into the middle of the field to a spot where not a single NC State receiver stood. A USM defensive back intercepted the pass. USM then drove the field to make the score 30-10 instead of a potential 23-17.

It didn’t end there. On the Pack’s defensive series that followed, State’s Tank Tyler was ejected from the game for unsportsman-like conduct in one of a series of inexusable and embarassing penalties committed by the Wolfpack. In fact, after just three quarters of play NC State had committed 8 penalties for over 100 yards – at least 3 of those penalties had been late-hits or unsportsmanlike calls.

Most State fans don’t mind losing when our boys are obviously working their ass off and giving 100% effort on and off the field. As long as everyone does their best and conducts themselves like men should then asking for much more is a debatable stretch. But losing like State is doing tonight – with little visible effort on the field and with MORE thug-like unsportsmanlike penalties like we have seen the last few years is unacceptable. Period.

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111 Responses to Poor Decisions Killing the Pack

  1. GAWolf 09/18/2006 at 2:33 PM #

    The coaches are looking at making adjustments at the linebacker spot for Saturdays game. Apparently we have holes in talent there that have been exposed and taken advantage of.

    All along I said that Tulloch’s departure would hurt more than the guys on the D-line. Hopefully they can plug those holes one way or another before the year is out.

  2. Gene 09/18/2006 at 2:45 PM #

    Stats from a training camp scrimmage:

    Saturday Scrimmage Stats…

    Stone 9 of 20, 103 yds 2 TD 1 INT (1st string offense vs. 2nd string defense)
    D. Evans 4 of 9 46 Yards (2nd string offense against 1st string defense)
    Burke 13 of 18, 192 yards 2 TD’s. 3rd string vs. 3rd string


    From the link:
    “You knew he was special the minute he got there by his demeanor,â€? Chow said. “There was a veteran (quarterback) there. After the first practice I went into the head coach’s office and said, ‘Chuck, c’mon now.’ He was thinking the same thing.â€?

    I can understand sticking with Stone, since he was a highly regarded HS QB, and if he can get his head screwed on straight, has all the physical tools to be a good QB, but clearly he wasn’t getting it done in training camp and might not be the right guy for the job.

    I keep thinking about Michigan platooning Brady and Henson. Henson had all the physical tools to be an awesome QB. Brady just got things done and the offense ran better with him in there. Can’t judge the QB position by physical attributes alone.

    If Stone’s not getting it done, like Davis last year, bench him and play another QB. For all of Stone’s upside, his play doesn’t warrant him to be the starter and going with a better, younger, QB, gave Amato whatever “grace” period has to have off years, because Chow talked him into starting Rivers.

  3. for2n8son 09/18/2006 at 3:17 PM #

    Chuck announced he will start Evans at the after practice news conference.

  4. Wolfpack4ever 09/18/2006 at 3:32 PM #

    for2n8son Says:

    ^I hope we are not that self destructive.

    ^That was a comment on the “drunk and surley� thing.

    for2n8son: We see the world through our own eyes. Those of us who think the crowd will be drunk and surly… well, you get the point.

    Rip ’em up. Tear ’em up. Give ’em hell, State.

  5. Wolfpack4ever 09/18/2006 at 3:42 PM #

    BladenWolf Says:

    Crapping on the fans because we are pissed at losing to Akrot and Southern Misstake is a little too preachy if you ask this season ticket holder. And HELL NO you can’t have my tickets…

    BladenWolf, I think you are missing their point or certainly a point. Not showing up or worse booing the team because you don’t like the coach or the team is winning, hurts the boys on the field. Ot only that but it hurts in recruiting in all other sports where visits are part of the deal.

    I also think they have a point in the character thing. Anybody can be a fairweather fan. What’s wanted and deeded now is team support, piling on the “dump Chuck” bandwagon.

  6. Wolfpack4ever 09/18/2006 at 3:47 PM #

    Tha’s NOT piling on the “dump Chuck” bandwagon.

  7. for2n8son 09/18/2006 at 3:48 PM #


  8. for2n8son 09/18/2006 at 3:51 PM #


    That was on the your previous point, by the way. Now I’m going to get my saber. Be right back.

  9. for2n8son 09/18/2006 at 3:54 PM #

    No, not showing up for the games and booing the team is not piling on the “dump Chuck” bandwagon, it’s a hell of a lot worse if we ever won’t to work ourselves out of this mess. Or is just getting to vent the ultimate goal?

  10. Wolfpack4ever 09/18/2006 at 4:04 PM #

    Micky McCarthy Says:

    Yes, we lost 3 good ones from last year, but the talent behind them should not give up 270 rushing yards to Southern Miss.

    A little over simplified. The “3 good ones from last year” were not what made our D great. “the talent behind them” as you say stepped in and up when McCargo went down. Manny Lawson, the “other” DE is starting as a rookie. The Jr who went pro from the LB corp is challenging for a starting job. Have we forgotten our own comments about what the state of our LB might be if Reggie Davis is starting? Sorry Mickey, this isn’t Pop Warner football. It takes more than 3 or 4 good defenders to play good D. Likely, DeMario and Tank got a little tired being on the field most of the time Saturday night.

  11. for2n8son 09/18/2006 at 4:05 PM #

    Hey Wolfpack4ever,

    pardon me. I just reread the string and realized I got connfused!

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