Poor Decisions Killing the Pack

“Poor decisions Killing the Pack”

Does that sound familiar?

Sure it sounds familiar to NC State football fans who have followed the Wolfpack in the 6+ years of the Chuck Amato era. Excessive penalties and turnovers indicated an extreme lack of discipline that helped wrecked the Wolpack’s most recent two football seasons. Even the Philip Rivers years saw the program consistently mismanage the clock, spend timeouts like a sailor in a whorehouse, and get out coached with game-strategy at most turns.

So, is it any real surprise that poor decisions continue to haunt the program today?

As an example from Saturday night – late in the 3rd quarter at Southen Miss, NC State was down 23-10 and had the ball with a 1st down and goal from the Southern Miss six yard line.

Despite having Andre Brown and Toney Baker in the back field, Offensive Coordinator Marc Trestman inexplicably decided to put Marcus Stone in a position where Stone would exercise judgement and need to make key decisions on the field.



On the play, Stone scrambled away from pressure to his left and had a lane to pick up some yards and possibly score a touchdown. Instead, one of the most inaccurate passers in college football chose to throw completely against the momentum of his body and into the middle of the field to a spot where not a single NC State receiver stood. A USM defensive back intercepted the pass. USM then drove the field to make the score 30-10 instead of a potential 23-17.

It didn’t end there. On the Pack’s defensive series that followed, State’s Tank Tyler was ejected from the game for unsportsman-like conduct in one of a series of inexusable and embarassing penalties committed by the Wolfpack. In fact, after just three quarters of play NC State had committed 8 penalties for over 100 yards – at least 3 of those penalties had been late-hits or unsportsmanlike calls.

Most State fans don’t mind losing when our boys are obviously working their ass off and giving 100% effort on and off the field. As long as everyone does their best and conducts themselves like men should then asking for much more is a debatable stretch. But losing like State is doing tonight – with little visible effort on the field and with MORE thug-like unsportsmanlike penalties like we have seen the last few years is unacceptable. Period.

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111 Responses to Poor Decisions Killing the Pack

  1. beowolf 09/17/2006 at 8:54 AM #

    Cardiff, you may want to drag out Baghdad Bob for the comments in the N&O article “Wolfpack coaches, players still confident for the season.”

  2. jbhill77 09/17/2006 at 9:01 AM #

    Anyone who doesn’t think that it’s time for a coaching change by now needs to take the freakin blinders off. This whole thing is a joke, a bad joke. The only problem is that I don’t feel that we have an AD capable of landing a decent new coach.

  3. Woof Wolf 09/17/2006 at 9:12 AM #

    Well the sun did come up this morning.

    I live about 20 miles from the UGA campus. Bulldogs can be a lot like Tarheels sometime, but it’s more fun to watch their football games than ours most of the time. I think I may turn off the computer and ESPN. Today I”ll watch the Falcons and then Phillip. Tonight I might listen to the Mark Richt call in show. Talk about a class act, boy did we ever hire the wrong FSU assistant.

    I think I may just watch local TV and be a Buloldog fan for a few weeks. I can still wear my red stuff if I tape over the logos. I’ll check in here once or twice a week and try to just read the basketball stuff.

  4. Wulfpack 09/17/2006 at 9:16 AM #

    FYI…Akron lost to Central Michigan. Guess they won’t be ending up in the top 15 as some suggested.

    4-8 seems about right. If I had to guess, I’d say 5-7. I still like our chances against Maryland, Virginia, UNC and ECU. A loss to UNC ends all hope for Chuck.

  5. GrandWolf 09/17/2006 at 9:17 AM #

    Quote: “The smartest thing Amato can do now is put Justin Burke in and develop him as the QB of the future.”

    Putting Burke in at this point would be like putting lipstick on a corpse. Each season since PR left we’ve been borrowing against the future with QB’s. Sorta like running up a credit card. Well, Amato and staff need to stop borrowing and start paying up. There is a much bigger problem or collection of problems that have to addressed. Remember fish rot from the head back and that begins w/ Amato.

    This is the third year in a row the man has had to explain embarrassing losses by penalties, mental mistakes, and getting beaten at the the line scrimmage. We have an offensive line that should be the MEANEST unit year in and year out, yet ours consistently gets beaten down in the trenches. NC State has all these skill players we read about in the off season. A parade of athletic gods that will take us to football nirvana. EVERY freaking offseason its this guy from Florida, this guy… and here we are losing to a CUSA team by 20. That after losing at home to Akron.

    No doubt Burke is going to be a good QB… potentially a GREAT QB.. but Burke is not the answer to NC State’s current problems. No single player is the answer.

  6. wufpaxno1 09/17/2006 at 9:25 AM #

    I did not watch and only listened to bits of the NC State game last night. I went to the UNC Furman game instead. What a game! Fellas, we dipped into the Furman well once in the Mid 80’s and came up with Dick Sheridan. Bobby Lamb’s offense looked damn good last night. They shredded Carolina and if it weren’t for a fumbled kick-off early, and a very undersized defense that wore out by the second half, Furman would have won that game, easily. The Paladins moved the ball at will on Carolina, check out the stats, most of Carolina’s yardage came on three busted plays, two in the second half when Furman’s lack of dept on defense began to show. Maybe it’s time to test the waters again.

  7. Wulfpack 09/17/2006 at 9:59 AM #

    “the margin of defeat was the largest to a nonconference team in Amato’s seven-year tenure”

  8. Cardiff Giant 09/17/2006 at 10:31 AM #

    “Cardiff, you may want to drag out Baghdad Bob for the comments in the N&O article “Wolfpack coaches, players still confident for the season.â€?

    I talked to Bob, and he said, “Sir, you ask too much of me; my dignity I still possess, do not ask me to defend this, I swear to you by God.” So that is out.

    I am, however, in negotiations with perpetually upbeat State fan BillyTough, who may agree to submit a Guest Column soon. Stay tuned.

  9. Sippit 09/17/2006 at 12:42 PM #

    Putting Burke in now…at least we may have something to look forward to 3-4 years down the road. We are a disaster now, any change will help this offense.

    SFN: Why do we have to put Burke in now to have something to look forward to in 3 to 4 years down the road? Do we still not have something to look forward to? Imagine if Philip would have been redshirted?

  10. packpigskinfan23 09/17/2006 at 12:59 PM #

    play Evans the rest of the year, and start Burke next year…

    our record this year 4-8. ECU played good last night… REAL good. watch out. I have confidence we could beat BC with their horrible run defense… Its all on Amato getting control of the teams STUPID mistakes, and Trestman pulling his head out of his ass and throwing out his play book(or should I say his play page… I have serious doubts that he has more then 10 plays)

  11. beowolf 09/17/2006 at 2:34 PM #

    Where are you getting the other three wins from? We can’t beat frigging AKRON, and we got JOBBED by frigging Southern Boring Miss.

  12. Cardiac95 09/17/2006 at 2:45 PM #

    Most disappointing to me was the play of the Defense.

    According to the box score, they never even punted the ball.

    I expected poor play from the offense. I had higher hopes for the D.

  13. noah 09/17/2006 at 3:18 PM #

    I’m absolutely flabbergasted by those who would blame Marc Trestman. When you can’t pass-block and you can’t run block, what difference does it make what plays you call??

    I’m still trying to get a handle on where most of the anger directed towards our program is coming from. We were a pretty poor team last year. No offense and a decent defense. We lost 3/4 of our DL, 2/3 of our linebackers and 1/2 of our secondary.

    You usually don’t get BETTER when that happens.

    We’re just not a good football team these days. I’d really like it if Marcus Stone never took another snap from center again. I see absolutely no reason why he should ever even set foot on the field (unless it’s to hand out water during a timeout).

    I hope all the stuff about firing coaches is just frustration talking. UVa, UNC, NC State, Maryland and Miami all have pretty shitty teams. It happens sometimes.

  14. packpigskinfan23 09/17/2006 at 3:18 PM #

    beowolf…. hoping I guess. UNC, ECU, and Florida St.(who is also overrated this year, IMHO)

  15. Sippit 09/17/2006 at 4:51 PM #

    Obviously theres no confidence in Stone not to make any mistakes, and Evans is questionable, if Burke has all the hype of being the quarterback of the future let him take over now as a freshmen. Maybe we’ll see how good he is if he can handle all that pressure. PR was able to do it. Redshirts don’t mean sh*t if your coach can’t build a program with a solid offense year in and year out.

  16. WolfPup35 09/17/2006 at 5:14 PM #

    Like I said before, someone needs do dig up and dust off some of those Norm Chow playbooks from Rivers’ freshman year, they’re easy plays to learn (even for middle school kids–I know, my nephew’s team uses some of them!) and they get results. I mean, Stone’s decision making is questionable, but the complexity of the offense contributes greatly to that.
    SIMPLIFY, THROW THE DAMN BALL DOWNFIELD, SCORE!! We got good receivers, we got good running backs, but little dink passes are not going to cut it……whatever happened to TURN IT LOOSE???? Now we got DUH HUH. By the way, Evans DID look pretty good even though he was playing against a prevent defense.

  17. VaWolf82 09/17/2006 at 5:31 PM #

    I’m still trying to get a handle on where most of the anger directed towards our program is coming from.

    You obviously missed the off-season hype that comes up each and every summer since the Gator Bowl win. Then the overblown expectations turn into anger when the cold hard reality starts to sink in. I don’t necessarily understand it either, but I’ve witnessed it three years running.

  18. WolfPup35 09/17/2006 at 5:37 PM #

    It’s not anger toward the program, it’s anger toward the OC. Remember when MOC went to the ‘Holes?? They had every opportunity to come back and beat State in their house, but MOC couldn’t get plays called in time.
    Trestman gets the play…..er plays called in time, but we usually need more than 2 or 3 yards. Amato HAS to take some of the blame, but the lion’s share should rest with the OC….he needs to simplify things and go for big plays..these kids can do it!!!!

  19. packpigskinfan23 09/17/2006 at 5:59 PM #

    WolfPup~ I know I always knock Trestman, and I try my best to stand up for Amato(it is hard at times), but I agree that Amato does have to take some of the credit for our offensive troubles… but it mostly is on Trestboy.

  20. BJD95 09/17/2006 at 6:08 PM #

    Treatman makes for an easy fall guy, but he’s not the root of the problem. Look further to the putrid defensive play and poor sportsmanship we displayed last night. It’s been long said that players take on the personality of their coach. And it sounds like we came out and showed mindless swagger with no substance to back it up. Connect the dots on that one.

  21. WolfPup35 09/17/2006 at 6:25 PM #

    BJD95~ Granted, the team DID show poor sportsmanship and play on the defensive side of the ball, but you also have to look to the DC for some of that. We lost a hell of a lot on the defensive side of the ball, but we have some really really good young players. Sometimes the older guys have influence on the young ones, but sometimes the older players can be influenced by the “mindless swagger” of the over-confident youngsters.
    The upperclassmen need to smack the unders around a bit and knock some sense into them, show some leadership and get down to business.
    My next statement may get a few nods and a few eye rolls, but Tyler should not play vs. BC. PERIOD. Anyone who gets ejected should sit, anyone who commits a bonehead penalty should sit, there’s your motivation, there’s your discipline. These kids want to play….BAD. Take that away, you send a message. The substance comes from 6 things….PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE—-STUDY STUDY STUDY

  22. Pack84 09/17/2006 at 6:28 PM #

    “I’m absolutely flabbergasted by those who would blame Marc Trestman. When you can’t pass-block and you can’t run block, what difference does it make what plays you call??”

    I agree with this. We’re terrible up front and Norm Chow himself would have a hard time doing anything with this offense.

  23. WolfPup35 09/17/2006 at 6:35 PM #

    I can’t believe I actually saw someone use the word flabbergasted!!
    I can blame Trestman, because it IS his playpage..er…playbook.
    The O-line needs work, but if you run the same damned plays over and over again, anyone can stop you. Mix up the plays, short, deep, run, short, run, deep…you get my point. If you can keep the defense off balance, then they won’t blitz or run a hard rush every time. I mean, come on…it’s generally an easy concept. An off balance defense is a beaten defense…just look what southern miss did….mix it up and win.

  24. WolfPup35 09/17/2006 at 6:37 PM #

    By the way….currently SD 33 Tenn 0
    Rivers…..25 of 35 for 235 yds 1 TD 0 INT!!!!!!!!

  25. WolfPup35 09/17/2006 at 6:37 PM #

    Future NCSU Coach???

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