Good Things Happen to Good People

Photo from

I’m still catching my breath after Saturday night’s miracle. Wow! Thank God that I decided to make the trip to the game. In case you missed it, you can click here to see how close I was to not going and why I decided to go.

Before we get going too far into the week, I wanted to spend just a minute to specifically highlight Daniel Evans (and his family) one more time. I honestly don’t think that we can overkill the uniqueness of the cross-section where Saturday night’s miracle intersects with an amazing family.

There is probably little reason for most Wolfpackers out there to have much of an insight into the Evans’ family other than knowing about Johnny Evans’ place within the Wolfpack community. But, the ‘specialness’ of these folks goes much further than NC State.

I have never had the pleasure of meeting any members of the Evans family. Yet, I have rarely encountered people who are held in as much esteem and respected to the levels that they are by their peers and acquaintances. It is truly amazing.

If you ever have the chance to speak with anyone that personally knows the Evans family, you need to watch their faces and listen to how they speak of the Evans’ to experience the comfort and happiness that washes over them. I have rarely encountered people whom everybody likes and nobody hesitates to immediately smile and tell you how special the family is. In my humble opinion, this adds a different and very special layer to the reasons that Saturday night was so special.

Almost fifteen years ago I was dating a young woman whose family owned a business where Johnny Evans worked. I was obviously intrigued at the Wolfpack-angle when I learned of Evans’ employment by the family/company. But, it didn’t take long for me to forget about the State-stuff as I listened to everyone in my girlfriend’s family (father, mother, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc) talk about how special of a man Johnny Evans is and how there isn’t a more respected man at their company.

I’ve never forgotten ^that; and over the years this message has been reinforced dozens of times by others – whether it is the Bible studies that Mr. Evans’ teaches or people that knew him at NC State, you never get anything but an extended compliment.

Daniel Evans may be the easiest Wolfpacker in history for my friends and I to support because we relate to Daniel’s innate motivation and love of the Wolfpack. Daniel Evans grew-up dreaming of Carter-Finley and Reynolds Coliseum; he didn’t grow up dreaming of Bryant-Denny and the LA Coliseum. NC State is all he ever wanted. Had I been rated the #1 quarterback or #1 basketball prospect in America coming out of high school, I would have never dreamed of playing anywhere but NC State. Daniel Evans is the the exact same way. There would have been no other option.

I’m a Christian, but I am not as religious as I once was or as I should be today. Now that I have a young (7 month old) son, I hope to be more focused on the way that I live my life and find ways to provide my son the kind of guidance and leadership that Johnny has obviously provided Daniel.

Regardless of where I may be on my personal spiritual journey I am in no way blind to the uniqueness of Daniel Evans’ storybook miracle in Raleigh on Saturday night or in the prayer that many Wolfpack players shared at mid-field after the game. I am also not deaf to the praise that young Daniel gave to his Lord in his first opportunity for post game comments. It was a special night for everyone involved. It was wonderful to see that good things can happen to such good people.

'06 Football General

60 Responses to Good Things Happen to Good People

  1. bTHEredterror 09/25/2006 at 8:44 PM #

    Right on point with this one guys. I’m here in High Point, and Johnny Evans is STILL a legend around here. So much so a couple of Tarheel fans called 790 to say they were happy that Johnny Evans kid played well, and how great the family is, and seemed genuinely pleased to have an opportunity to say it.
    Despite knowing their teams thorough, embarassing and disheartening ass beating would be mentioned, they deemed it necessary to give congratulations to the Evans’ family for a public audience (of course they do this while saying they are UNX fans, buuuuut).
    If the Evans’ can pull honor and humility from a Tarhole, you know they must be fantastic people!

  2. Wolfpack4ever 09/25/2006 at 11:31 PM #

    I believe that faith and the practices of religion, true men up and create strength, courage and core values.

    It is said that God created man in his own image. I’d say it is the other way around. Man has created God in his own image and system of values.

    My son has been influenced by Johnny Evans through the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. For that I am truly grateful. Like Norm Sloan’s son, my son went to Carolina and got a degree. I usually tell people that during that time he was in prison for selling drugs and male prostitution, I am so embarrassed for people to know he went to school in Chapel Hill.

  3. blpack 09/25/2006 at 11:32 PM #

    This is my favorite SFN thread.
    What a great weekend!

  4. Mike 09/26/2006 at 1:28 AM #

    God does have the power to affect football games. As I said earlier, I do not believe he cares about football games, BUT as WolfpackSteeler said God will use events to influence and teach people, and these events can be games. I dont beleive God is in Heaven keeping score, which team has more believers and will help that team win. I do believe He acts to help people.

    Wolfpack4ever, I dont know why bad things happen to children, or even to good people. That is life, and God gives us all strength to get through it. I believe God has a special place in Heaven for the little children afflicted.

    I dont want to ramble, but Frank Reich is a perfect example of both winning and losing and how this affected his faith. In 92, Reich led the Bills back from the largest playoff deficit ever, 35-3 in the 2nd half. Reich is a devoted believer, and credited God for giving him the strength, confidence, ability, and yes, the miracle comeback. When Reich led the Bills to the Super Bowl, he was sure he would have a public stage to tell the world how God brought him through these games. Well, as we all know, the Bills lost the game, and Reich wondered why God let him down; after all, this was the crowning achievement in football. After much anger, confusion, and even questioning God, Reich finally realized God taught him a greater lesson through losing than winning the Super Bowl. He said the journey, both winning and losing, made him a better man, a better father, and a stronger believer.

    God does use events for people’s lives for the big picture. A game is a small part of the big picture. God knows each hair on our heads (and some of us it gets easier as we get older) and He cares about details in our lives.

  5. BoKnowsNCS71 09/26/2006 at 8:49 AM #

    With Danny’s brother being a wide receiver on the team. I wonder if we are going to see the 2006 version of “Bucky to Bucky” as Evans to Evans?

  6. noah 09/26/2006 at 9:42 AM #

    At the very least, I think we can all agree that if the supreme power in the universe is mucking around with football games, it’s a colossal waste of its time.

    As far as size goes, Evans is about the same size as Jamie Barnette. Granted, there were plenty of times when I thought Barnette was going to get snapped like a dry twig. They both spent time behind sieve-like offensive lines.

  7. ncwolfie2000 09/26/2006 at 1:58 PM #

    This is interesting find on Technorati. From the guy (or girl since “peyton” could be either) who took the photo. Talks about the moment when the photo was taken:

  8. chilly water 09/26/2006 at 4:51 PM #

    I went to broughton with him, very calm spoken kid.

  9. redfred2 09/27/2006 at 1:35 PM #


    Good stuff. But do you really think that your personal impression, or the mixed sexual tendencies of the photographer, are really all that important here?



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