Good Things Happen to Good People

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I’m still catching my breath after Saturday night’s miracle. Wow! Thank God that I decided to make the trip to the game. In case you missed it, you can click here to see how close I was to not going and why I decided to go.

Before we get going too far into the week, I wanted to spend just a minute to specifically highlight Daniel Evans (and his family) one more time. I honestly don’t think that we can overkill the uniqueness of the cross-section where Saturday night’s miracle intersects with an amazing family.

There is probably little reason for most Wolfpackers out there to have much of an insight into the Evans’ family other than knowing about Johnny Evans’ place within the Wolfpack community. But, the ‘specialness’ of these folks goes much further than NC State.

I have never had the pleasure of meeting any members of the Evans family. Yet, I have rarely encountered people who are held in as much esteem and respected to the levels that they are by their peers and acquaintances. It is truly amazing.

If you ever have the chance to speak with anyone that personally knows the Evans family, you need to watch their faces and listen to how they speak of the Evans’ to experience the comfort and happiness that washes over them. I have rarely encountered people whom everybody likes and nobody hesitates to immediately smile and tell you how special the family is. In my humble opinion, this adds a different and very special layer to the reasons that Saturday night was so special.

Almost fifteen years ago I was dating a young woman whose family owned a business where Johnny Evans worked. I was obviously intrigued at the Wolfpack-angle when I learned of Evans’ employment by the family/company. But, it didn’t take long for me to forget about the State-stuff as I listened to everyone in my girlfriend’s family (father, mother, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc) talk about how special of a man Johnny Evans is and how there isn’t a more respected man at their company.

I’ve never forgotten ^that; and over the years this message has been reinforced dozens of times by others – whether it is the Bible studies that Mr. Evans’ teaches or people that knew him at NC State, you never get anything but an extended compliment.

Daniel Evans may be the easiest Wolfpacker in history for my friends and I to support because we relate to Daniel’s innate motivation and love of the Wolfpack. Daniel Evans grew-up dreaming of Carter-Finley and Reynolds Coliseum; he didn’t grow up dreaming of Bryant-Denny and the LA Coliseum. NC State is all he ever wanted. Had I been rated the #1 quarterback or #1 basketball prospect in America coming out of high school, I would have never dreamed of playing anywhere but NC State. Daniel Evans is the the exact same way. There would have been no other option.

I’m a Christian, but I am not as religious as I once was or as I should be today. Now that I have a young (7 month old) son, I hope to be more focused on the way that I live my life and find ways to provide my son the kind of guidance and leadership that Johnny has obviously provided Daniel.

Regardless of where I may be on my personal spiritual journey I am in no way blind to the uniqueness of Daniel Evans’ storybook miracle in Raleigh on Saturday night or in the prayer that many Wolfpack players shared at mid-field after the game. I am also not deaf to the praise that young Daniel gave to his Lord in his first opportunity for post game comments. It was a special night for everyone involved. It was wonderful to see that good things can happen to such good people.

'06 Football General

60 Responses to Good Things Happen to Good People

  1. BoKnowsNCS71 09/25/2006 at 1:38 PM #

    Religeon aside — I can’t think of a more perfect “Hail Mary” than that one on Saturday.

    I was there and my voice has still not come back from all the yelling I did.

  2. forst8 09/25/2006 at 1:41 PM #

    Thanks for the great post.

    Everyone should realize by now that there is something special about Daniel Evans and its not just football ability. Daniel looks very fragile out on the field with all those giants but inside, he is rock solid and you can see the respect he has from the coaches and his teammates. Daniel seems to be a natural born leader and he will accomplish much in life. I suspect this football team will now rally around Daniel and believe in themselves because of his leadership. I can hardly wait to see the next game. This could turn into a very special year.

  3. class of 74 09/25/2006 at 1:47 PM #

    ^ I think alot of us saw that same thing and have that same hope.

  4. Mike 09/25/2006 at 1:55 PM #

    Well said Wolfman…………looks like the guys look up to him for his faith. Having said that, Stone was also a leader to the team, and not sure where he stands with his faith, but both are men the team can count on to lead.

    One telling thing that really sticks out in my mind is Stone. On the sideline, Marcus was the 1st to congratualte Evans, and after the game, before the circle on the 50, Stone was giving Evans a big hug. On TV, you could read his lips – he said “I’m proud of you”. What a class act from Marcus and hats off to Stone. He could easily be pouting, but no one was more supportive. Good to see…..never know when we might need him.

  5. Trout 09/25/2006 at 2:24 PM #

    “This might be an appropriate place to insert a story about “the Flagship campus of the UNC systemâ€?

    I missed the part where you inserted a story about NC State.

  6. BobLee 09/25/2006 at 2:33 PM #

    Trout … do we really want to turn this into one of those “let’s compare Hugh Shelton to Rick Dees … or compare Chris Washburn to James K Polk?”

    You wanna be “the flagship”? … OK, you’re “the flagship”. Clear out some space at the old Mission Valley Inn and move Erskine’s office over to Avent Ferry.

    Fine with me … please take Carrboro too. …. 🙂

  7. choppack1 09/25/2006 at 2:38 PM #

    Mike – excellent point on Stone. Here’s a guy who has played very hard. Also, lest we forget, vs. Akron, it looked like he just led us back from a defecit for a lead.

    In the last 2 years, we’ve seen our starting QB for the team get benched for the back-up. In both cases, the “benched” starter has handled it with exemplary class. Both Davis and Stone handled their demotion very well and were supportive of the new starter – I think it says a lot about those 2 young men and our staff.

    And let’s give some props to Dunlap – he got absolutely walloped on that play.

  8. beowolf 09/25/2006 at 2:54 PM #

    This is a wonderful, heart-catches-at-the-back-of-your-throat kinda entry. That picture, Jeff’s words … wow.

    Great entry, and I agree with Bob Lee. This is one to savor for all time, because what it means for Wolfpack Nation and everyone (secret tarheel prayer meeting-goers included!) who knows the Evans family or at least of them.

  9. Rick 09/25/2006 at 3:05 PM #

    I listened to the post game interview when Johnny was interviewing Daniel. It was an incredible moment. Johnny asked Daniel what he thought after the interception. Daniel said he talked to Trestman and then prayed. He said he knew it was the lord’s will for him to be there and win or lose he wanted to perform at his best. I believe he was so calm in the last series because he had his eyes on something far more important than a fotball game.
    He is an example for everyone of us and has become one of my favorite players.

  10. packpigskinfan23 09/25/2006 at 3:14 PM #

    great post SFN!!! love it.

    to keep up with the most recent topic mentioned, I too was VERY impressed with Marcus Stone and how he acted. You could tell he was thrilled at the way and the manner that Evans won that game. I really hope Amato uses Stone in some way this year… if its a trick play w/ him lining up as a TE… a blocker… whatever. Hell, after some of the tackles he has had to make after throwing interceptions, I wouldnt doubt it if Stone would make fore a good strong safety!!!!

  11. BoKnowsNCS71 09/25/2006 at 3:28 PM #

    I suspect that Stone will play as QB sometime this year. I can’t imagine some of the opposing teams not trying to take Daniel out on a late hit (or an honest one).

    Daniel doesn’t have a real heavy body frame and getting “shaken up” is always possible.

    Should that situation ever arise (and we hope not), maybe Marcus can come in, feel less pressure, and win one for us too.

    Daniel is impressive. On and off the field. Satruday night was like NC State’s own version of a “Rudy-type” story and has a warm space in Wolfpack FB history.

  12. packpigskinfan23 09/25/2006 at 3:36 PM #

    I dont doubt at all that stone will get a few more reps at QB this year… I just wonder if they play him anywhere else at all? according to the ESPN guys he lobbied Amato for any position. I believe that he could make some plays at another position, and hope they at least concider it.

  13. BoKnowsNCS71 09/25/2006 at 3:45 PM #

    Pasck PRide has some pictures of Dunlop’s great catch. Ignore the catch — just look in the faces of the Wolfpack fans. Pure emotion!


  14. Trout 09/25/2006 at 4:07 PM #

    BobLee: You’re the one that originally used the term “flagship,” not me. We all know you like to push NC State buttons. Consider that one pushed.

  15. PackBacker001 09/25/2006 at 4:21 PM #

    On a side note, but are our home uniforms kick-a$$ or what?

  16. WolfRed 09/25/2006 at 4:28 PM #

    At the risk of changing the purpose of this blog from sports to religion, I would like to say just this one thing. I believe God cares about everything that affects humans. Since sports are very important to us, God uses them to reach us. I do not believe God has a favorite team, but He does care about all of us.

  17. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 09/25/2006 at 4:48 PM #

    “I suspect that Stone will play as QB sometime this year.”

    Johnny thought out loud towards the end of the game that if state needed a hail mary would Amato put Stone in. That question didn’t need to be answered last when Evans threw a couple of quick completions and they could run a route into the end zone as opposed to a 55 yard jump ball.

  18. SiriusPack 09/25/2006 at 5:20 PM #

    WolfRed, I agree with you completely.

    I have this pic (of Daniel and his mom) as my desktop background. It really shows how sports do affect us all on a personal level. Everytime I cheer a player I want to think about this picture. And everytime I feel critical of a player I want to think about this picture. I can’t imagine how great the Evans Family must have felt on Saturday night. I also noticed Andrew congratulating his brother and I thought about the rest of his siblings doing the same. When I have a family in the future, I want them to be like this one. The irony of this all is that such a close family has done a very special thing for Wolfpack Nation…brought our family together as well.

  19. WolfpackSteelerfan 09/25/2006 at 5:22 PM #

    I can’t say that this was one of those cases (but it sure looked like it), but I do believe that on rare occasions the Lord will allow certain teams to win to give the players an occasion to show their humility towards him. The only two examples that I remember thinking that were when Green Bay won the Super Bowl and this past year with the Steelers winning it.

    I remember distinctly during the season Green Bay won their Super Bowl, there were stories about how the team had many Christians, Reggie White being the best known. Also, after Pittsburgh won in Denver, I got to see Bill Cowher leading the team in prayer after the game. His prayer said nothing about asking for victory in the future, but asked that the team be humble in their current victory.

    I may be totally wrong, I don’t know, but I think it’s possible.

  20. BobLee 09/25/2006 at 5:32 PM #

    My sincere apologies to SFN readers. As soon as I responded to that “flagship” comment I regretted it. It was a nasty old habit that has been dormant for several years.

    It was like a reformed alcoholic going into a bar to use the restroom, smelling the stale beer and suddenly my mouth started watering.

    I say what I want to on my website, and always will … but I don’t visit here to incite or provoke.


  21. RAWFS 09/25/2006 at 5:37 PM #

    ^ I took it as tongue in cheek. But you DO have to keep Carrboro.

  22. WolfpackSteelerfan 09/25/2006 at 5:40 PM #

    Also, to return to the original post, and not get off-topic: Jeff, I’m right there with you. I wish that my Christian life were more as God intends. I also have young children, and I hope to be better example as they grow than I am now. I had never heard of the Evans family before hearing that Daniel would start the game, but now I am proud to know that such people are associated with NC State.

    Before you say, how could you possibly not have heard of them: I didn’t move to NC until I was 13 (late ’86). Until I got to State, I pretty much followed NFL exclusively.

  23. packpigskinfan23 09/25/2006 at 6:30 PM #

    ^dont feel bad… first time I heard of the Evans family was last year. During the Jay Davis situation my girlfriends dad was screaming for Evans…..

  24. NCSUknappster 09/25/2006 at 6:37 PM #

    Even if Daniel never played a down with the Wolfpack, he contributed so much to the program. I don’t just mean his ability to go above and beyond the call of duty and leading scout teams or anything like that. The Evans boys impact has definately been felt on the football team. It’s not just Johnny either, I believe they lead a Bible study for the football team and have impacted many members of the team with the Gospel. Obviously, this is much bigger than football and could be why his peers hold him in such high regard. It’s always good to have great character kids around and hopefully it’s contagious.

  25. Wolfpack4ever 09/25/2006 at 7:20 PM #

    A lot has and is being made of Daniel Evans being a scrawny kid at 6-2. 191 pounds. Here’s a list of players, some starters or play extensively, at about that size. I know the numbers are padded but they are likely padded for all. Maybe that “scrawny kid” can be around for some time to come. 😉

    *4 Javon Walker DB Fr. HS 6-0/195
    *5 Jarvis Williams WR Fr. HS 6-4/200
    6 Andrew Evans WR So. SQ 5-11/180
    7 Daniel Evans QB So. SQ 6-2/191
    *8 Jimmie Sutton III CB Jr. 1V 5-11/181
    10 Justin Burke QB Fr. HS 6-2/195
    *13 Lamart Barrett WR Sr. 3V 6-1/190
    *14 J.C. Neal S So. 1V 6-0/191
    15 Darrell Davis WR Fr. HS 6-5/195
    16 Chris Clarke WR Fr. HS 6-3/188
    21 DeAndre Morgan CB Fr. HS 5-10/160
    26 Bradley Pierson K Jr. SQ 5-9/163
    28 Harrison Ritcher LB Fr. HS 5-11/192
    *30 Jeremy Gray CB So. SQ 6-2/190
    32 Lucas Darr S Fr. HS 6-0/192
    34 Michael Remly LB Fr. HS 6-0/195
    36 Josh Czajkowski K Fr. HS 5-10/185
    38 Espoinisa Eatmon CB Sr. SQ 5-9/181
    43 Owen Spencer WR Fr. HS 6-2/165
    *80 Donald Bowens WR Fr. HS 6-3/195
    88 Geron James WR Fr. RS 6-4/185

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