In today’s world of You Tube and multimedia on the internet…we’d like to ask if anyone has any pictures or footage of the on-field celebrations in which the football teams at the University of Georgia AND Notre Dame participated after scoring late-game touchdowns. We would LOVE to share these celebrations with the world.
We are 100% serious. Did anybody see this?
When both Georgia and Notre Dame scored go ahead touchdowns late in the 4th quarter of their comebacks, both schools partied like it was 1999. With the score tied 13-13 and an extra point still to be kicked to give the Bulldogs a come from behind win over Colorado, the Bulldogs all piled on the touchd0wn scoring receiver in the end zone. Even the quarterback was given the opportunity to run 25+ yards to the back of the end so that he could jump on the pile.
Of course, no penalties were called – unlike the situation when NC State “excessively celebrated” what we thought was the go ahead touchdown against Akron a couple of weeks ago. That penalty significantly contributed to Akron’s great field position and ability to drive the ball for a game winning score.
We are SICK AND TIRED of the ridiculous inconsistency of judgement calls of officials throughout the country on these types of plays. NC State’s excessive swagger and style of play since Coach Amato’s arrival in Raleigh has undoubtedly played a role in a preconceived expectation on the part of officials that the Pack deserves (is expected) to commit these penalties – so, we have to take some blame for this. But, the bias and the inconsistent application of these calls is reaching a point of absurdity and has cost the Wolfpack at least one game if not more in the past.
In past years, State (TA McLendon in particular) was flagged for excessive celebration penalties that were next to nothing. In other situations, Wolfpackers have taken dives into the end zone with defenders in pursuit and have been called for penalties while other players throughout the country have made similar moves with no flags. State players need to be told that they are under a tighter microscope than most and therefore need to act accordingly. In the meantime, we’d love to see some consistency of the application of these judgement calls by the zebras throughout the country.
Again — we’d love to feature any pics or videos of others’ celebrations.