CTC: “We Look Like Shit out There”

What a day yesterday! An awful lot of NC State ‘stuff’ to discuss. Please don’t hesitate to scroll down a bit and do some catch-up reading.

We’re not going to reveal any sources for this entry, but SFN has been lucky to develop a relationship with someone very close to the football program who has given us the approval to share some of his/her thoughts and observations from the sideline of Saturday’s game. The following are some things seen, heard and observed from the NC State sideline on Saturday.

* Late in the second quarter Chuck Amato belted out, “We look like shit out there”. Couldn’t agree more, coach.

* It appeared that CTC pulled Andre Brown out of the game by his own decision. There was no talk of injury to Brown. There was a play in the first half where Stone threw a screen in Brown’s direction and Brown didn’t even turn around and look. Amato told Portee to “get his ass outta there. I want 22 (Baker) in there”. Brown didn’t see the field again. It will be interesting to see how serious the ‘thigh bruise’ is this week against Southern Miss.

* SFN: Update on the ^previous comment. See today’s ACC Now Blog:

“I’m feeling great,” the sophomore said. “It’s just a little bruise. I practiced full speed and I feel fine.”

* The new fieldhouse area is fantastic. It has the look and feel of a first class operation instead of the old previous rinky-dink accomodations previously.

* NO ONE on this team seems willing to step up and be a vocal leader. In years past there was always at least one or two guys who would get in the face of a teammate when need be – or give a word of encouragement when called for. Philip was the best at this. If there is anyone on this team acting like a leader then I sure haven’t noticed it.

* Saw Terry Harvey down on the sideline before the game. Looked like he was still in great shape. I couldn’t help but wish he had another year of eligibility left.

* Enclosing the entire stadium DOES have an effect on the noise level – at least on the field. It’s noticeable even though we haven’t had a big game or a rowdy crowd yet. I’ve heard it louder than it has been either game so far, but my guess is the field level noise will be at it’s highest level ever for the Thursday night FSU game – assuming we win a game or two between now and then and manage to fill the place up that night.

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41 Responses to CTC: “We Look Like Shit out There”

  1. redfred2 09/13/2006 at 11:25 AM #

    This is just the “technical foul (mouthing)” we needed to get the team focused and ready for the upcoming weekend. It’s all been a deliberate ploy, just another “offensive” play in the old playbook.

  2. WolfpackSteelerfan 09/13/2006 at 12:39 PM #

    This very conservative offense is what we needed two years ago, when we had the Number 1 defense in the country. So, our coaches are just slow to catch on. We definitely need more offense this year than the last two.

  3. bTHEredterror 09/13/2006 at 1:00 PM #

    Very valid point about Marcus and his confidence. He looks the part, tall, relatively mobile, rocket arm. But every time he throws he seems to be tenative, in the second half when he stepped up and let loose, he made some good throws. I agree it is too early to scrap Chuck, but I think he is becoming a liability, and he should be on notice the rest of the season. Losses can be acceptable, if you get beat by a better team. No cowardly excuses and swipes at opponents who just served you on your home field though. A loss like this should serve as a motivator to show everybody else we play it was a fluke, we slept on Akron (I’m convinced) and got caught because of it.

  4. WolfpackSteelerfan 09/13/2006 at 1:22 PM #


    I hope you’re right.

  5. redfred2 09/13/2006 at 2:50 PM #

    I’m not asking for a play action, triple reserve to the wide receiver, pitch back to the QB (ff’er) and a hail mary throw down field, on first down, just to start the game on Saturday. But good lord man, isn’t there at least some middle ground between where we were early in CA’s tenure, and now?

    If practices have been what they should be, not forgetting the QB is a junior, and ‘should’ have a decent grip on the playbook, and if the OL is lacking at present, as many have said, keeping the opposing D off balance is the only way to have any success. Not one dimensional with a hint.

  6. BoKnowsNCS71 09/13/2006 at 3:13 PM #

    In the second half, Marcus didn’t have to think. Just react. Not worry about losing the game (he was behind). The kid has some intinctive skills if the apron strings (or Akron screens?) can be cut.

  7. redfred2 09/13/2006 at 4:43 PM #


    Everything about NC State University lately has been legislated, orchistrated, tied up and toned down, completely predictable and stiffled to death.

    The more I think about it, I think Jim Valvano was just freak of nature, he had some kind of built in blinders that allowed him to carry on without seeing where he reallly was.

    That’s not true, NC State knew exactly who NC State was back then, and damn proud of it.

  8. Wolfpack4ever 09/13/2006 at 5:13 PM #

    All, Some of the best and sane thoughts I’ve seen on SNF above. I’d like to add my two cents worth. We all remember THE HIT Stone put on the FSU LB last yr. Anybody recall Stone sliding 2 yard short of a 1st down the next week? Not faulting Stone. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to guess what he was told to do. I have no idea what it’s like to play QB at this level but I do know what it’s like trying to hit a golf ball, trying to remember all the crap you read, trying NOT to do this and that. With no freedom to just swing and let the subconcious mind take over and provide the body with all it needs to know to perform. We have all tossed a ball of paper at a trash can without a thought and “nailed it.” Yet when we “try” we can’t hit ourselves in the ass with either hand. Any thinking is too much thinking. That’s why a QBs activity prior to passing is called “reads.” Receivers “look” the ball into their hands, they don’t think about how to catch it or the consequences if they miss. Yikes!!

    Please, Coach Otama, don’t put that young freshman in and ruin him with all those instructions.

  9. Wolfpack4ever 09/13/2006 at 5:26 PM #

    redfred2 Says:

    “Everything about NC State University lately has been legislated, orchistrated, tied up and toned down, completely predictable and stiffled to death.”

    I resemble those remarks. 😉 I had to look twice to see if it wasn’t something I wrote. REdfred, unfortunately, it’s not likely to get any better.

    I am hoping that LF is working under cover to somehow cause change without the “powers that be” knowing what’s going on. Otherwise I don’t think we could have done anything as radical as hiring Lowe when he didn’t have a degree. THAT was quite an accomplishment, accidental or intentional.

    We all have our wishes. My wish is to find out we were wrong about LF. What sometimes looks like obvious foolishness and incompetence, my just be what the man has to go through to “beat the system.”

  10. redfred2 09/13/2006 at 7:33 PM #


    I don’t if you remember my post saying that I wasn’t all qualified in any aspect of the AD’s job. Well, I took a internet crash cour… But seriously I am not, as is obvious. But I will say something I can do on occasion, I can get something done when I know it’s the right thing to do for all parties involved. If I get to that point, I’ll effect change, one way or the other. I could not not face the day if I didn’t. I would have to make a stand on the principle alone, or walk away. When a person does that kind of thing with honest intentions and for the right reasons, things all work in their favor eventually. It’s like, like, karma, dudely man.

    The picture you paint is of a man who is too well connected, uptight and worrying that some little slight move in one direction will offend some detached party that is far, too far away from the situation, but still halting any real positive changes for the university.

  11. redfred2 09/13/2006 at 7:39 PM #


    Great post on the QB position. Come on, everybody now…”Ya gotta, just act naturally…”

  12. Wolfpack4ever 09/13/2006 at 8:26 PM #

    redfred2 Says:

    “Great post on the QB position. Come on, everybody now…â€?Ya gotta, just act naturally…â€?”

    I take it you disagree with my post on thinking verses reading and reacting. I’d like to hear what you have to say about it. Opposing opion is always invited — well almost always. Some take offense if their opinions are challenged.

  13. redfred2 09/13/2006 at 8:35 PM #

    No not at all. Nothing off color at all. Just being silly. I agree totally with your comments.

    Looking at it in that light I can see how you would take that as a another of my smart ass comments.

    Not at all. I’ll try guard against that in the future. But I’m warning you, I’ll be severely limiting my own personality.

    Seriously, my apologies for the misleading nature.

  14. BoKnowsNCS71 09/13/2006 at 9:50 PM #

    OMG if the coach otama name sticks my name will be mud with the WPC. lol

    Lets look for some surprise passing this weekend. Go Marcus!

  15. Dan 09/14/2006 at 10:07 AM #

    Chuck cant win without Brown. It was the switch to Brown that led the charge last year, not the switch to Stone.

  16. redfred2 09/14/2006 at 3:27 PM #



    May sound like a book of Dr Zuess rhymes, but for CA it is a nightmarish and twisted tale.

    Amato, the guy just cannot get a break.

    Dan, hopin somebody, something, will go CA’s way this weekend.

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