Basketball Recruiting Update

It sounds like super-stud post man, JJ Hickson will be in Raleigh this weekend for a visit for the Boston College football game. After the loss of Cedric Simmons (and the expected loss of Andrew Brackman), Hickson would be a HUGE boon to NC State’s future.

In fact, Sidney Lowe and the Wolfpack remain among the top two or three choices for three of the consensus Top 35 high school players in the country – JJ Hickson, Chris Wright and Tracy Smith (who has scheduled a visit to co-leader Oklahoma State in late October). If the Wolfpack could complement Johnny Thomas’ commitment with a dream scenario of the three aforementioned recruits, Coach Lowe could safely choose NOT to expend the program’s 13th scholarship, giving him at least two (always potential for more to open) for the talented 2008 class in which he would have much more opportunity to position himself for “his” players.

Projected 2007-2008 NC State basketball Roster

Senior Class
(1) Gavin Grant (G/F)

Junior Class
(2) Courtney Fells (G)
(3) Ben McCauley (F/C)

Sophomore Class
(4) Brandon Costner (hopefully gets redshirt) (F)
(5) Trevor Ferguson (G)
(6) Dennis Horner (F)
(7) Fernold Degand (G)
(8) Bartosz Lewandowski (C)

Freshman Class
(9) Johnny Thomas
(10) N/A
(11) N/A
(12) N/A
(13) N/A

If you want to see some recent entries, information and conversations regarding NC State Basketball then simply click here. Additionally, David Glenn has posted a very nice update on Big Four recruiting on his blog.

Just a few months into coach Sidney Lowe’s tenure at N.C. State, a few things already are clear. Leading the good news is the fact that Lowe, a 46-year-old former Wolfpack guard (think 1983 NCAA championship), has the charisma, naturally bubbly personality and top-notch public-relations skills his predecessor Herb Sendek lacked. Lowe loves to talk, smiles a lot, and generally relates well to 17-year-olds, their parents, their coaches, the media and fans.

More good news: The new staff is aiming high with the Class of 2007 and has the Wolfpack in the running for three top-50 prospects: D.C. point guard Chris Wright (visit; top three), North Carolina forward Tracy Smith (top two) and Georgia big man J.J. Hickson (top five).

The bad news — potentially — is that the Pack is trailing for Wright and Hickson, it’s merely a co-favorite (with Oklahoma State) for Smith, and it’s unclear if there are enough viable backup plans. State does have a commitment from top-150 North Carolina forward Johnny Thomas, a very strong and athletic 6-6, 215-pounder who wants to play on the wing in college but offers skills that make him look more like an undersized power forward right now. Another player who will become eligible for the Pack in 2007-08 is Iowa State point guard transfer Farnold Degand, who’s already on campus but must sit out the upcoming season.

With at least four more scholarships available for the high school senior class, State will continue to look for help at every position in an attempt to upgrade its suddenly talent-thin roster. Months after watching Sendek’s last recruiting class fall apart, Lowe received the news in September that rising junior forward Andrew Brackman (a projected 2006-07 starter) likely will give up basketball and focus exclusively on baseball, where the 6-10, right-handed flame-thrower projects as a possible first-round pick next year.

In addition to Wright, Smith and Hickson, the Wolfpack continues to watch New York wing guard Rashad Green (now at a Maine prep school), Georgia forward Chris Barnes, North Carolina forward Kenny Belton, Kentucky forward Jeff Brooks, D.C. forward Jamar Samuels and Hargrave Military Academy forward Mike Scott. The unheralded Green, brother of North Carolina swingman Danny Green, attempted to commit to the Pack this summer, but the NCSU coaches had not yet extended a firm scholarship offer.

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Basketball Recruiting General NCS Basketball

66 Responses to Basketball Recruiting Update

  1. class of 74 09/21/2006 at 6:41 AM #

    Also, there is a guy who is no longer with us who would be thrilled to know his point guard is once again running the show in Raleigh. And I’m sure he would be optimistic for our chances with Sidney at the helm. God bless you Jimmy Valvano.

  2. Wulfpack 09/21/2006 at 6:51 AM #

    “I would rather have a hard worker with a good motor and heart to run than talent that is uninspired. Some of the more fun State teams to watch in my lifetime have been made of late bloomers.”

    Anthony Grundy comes to mind. Here’s a guy that put it all out on the line.

    Congrats to Sid and the staff for setting the bar high on the recruiting trail. Keep up the good work.

  3. vtpackfan 09/21/2006 at 8:35 AM #

    Add Smith and Thomas and maybe take a chance with one of the above (Barnes preferably) instead of Green. If all else fails, including the very top of the wish list Hickson and Wright, then add Green to Thomas and work extremely hard at correcting any perceived errors on the ’08 trail. Nothing to add really, I think its starting to really look like the makings of an ACC team to watch for three or four years down the road. Obviously a few guys remaining on the roster, plus studs like Hickson and Wright would have something to say about that if all the stars fall in a line, but in the meantime the staff appears to be content with allowing McAuley a lot of playing time and the versatility of others (Costner, Thomas, Grant, Frergueson) to get by until a well suited prep or two takes the leap of faith and wants to dominate the low blocks for himself.
    Good luck to Sid and the whole team and staff with JJ’s visit, hopefully he will be able to commit here, or somewhere before the start of practice and they can decide what options are still left unsettled. Chris Wright could be awhile but he should to be content to sit around and talk to him until he is ready to recommitt. I would love Tracy Smith to get in here pronto, two guys from in state with huge upside, and atleast two players from NC in ’08 who are going to be on top of alot of rankings. It would be a clear message sent to these ’08 preps that Sid is serious about being a dominant in -state recruiter.

  4. redfred2 09/21/2006 at 9:43 AM #


    Your example of Grundy is a good one, that kid gave it his all and tried hard while carrying more than his fair share of the weight in his later years. But if you go back even further, there were players who came in out of relative obscurity, possessing much less talent than Grundy to begin with, who then went to flourish while wearing the Wolfpack uniform. The difference is that while those once obscure players were coming out of their shells, the rest of their teammates and the whole roster was doing the same. Look up, many of their jerseys are hanging in the RBC right now. Those jerseys I’m talking about probably wouldn’t be there without the help of some teammates who were also being developed in just the same manner. It’s hard to reach up that high even when you’re giving it your all and trying your hardest, but having to do it all by yourself.

  5. Dan 09/21/2006 at 9:45 AM #

    Akeem Richmond. SG in the ’09 class. The first few sniffs of the guys, along with the 2008 class, where Lowe has a real chance to shine. I cant wait to hear how the recruiting goes for kids like this in the classes to come.

  6. redfred2 09/21/2006 at 10:43 AM #

    Thanks Dan

    Good to see that early stuff. Noting his scoring ability and then checking out the strengths and weaknesses columns, something didn’t quite tally up in my mind. But it’s way early for the complete picture. The kid seems to have the desire to play somewhere in the ACC though, that’s good.

  7. Mr O 09/21/2006 at 10:49 AM #

    Hickson was most definitely interested in NC State. Smith is a new name, but doesn’t he play at a HS where ACC schools have a gentleman’s agreement not to recruit players from?

    I haven’t said anything negative or optimistic. I have just stated that being in the running for players that we were already in the running for isn’t evidence that Lowe will succeed at NC State. There are no top recruits commited and there are no win at this point to be anything other than hopeful about Lowe’s future at NC State.

    Land one or two of these guys and then we will have something to be excited about.

  8. bTHEredterror 09/21/2006 at 10:51 AM #

    If the Green kid is anything like his brother, he would benefit us. Danny Green comes off to me as a solid role player, and his little brother is only one year younger, at least it would give us one guy that wants to beat UNC real bad (and judging from last years efforts that would be an improvement). We should hope for 2 of the big three, be happy if we get one of them, and go bananas if we get all three. If we get none, ce la vie get some good program players and on to 2008.
    I’m hoping to see Sid show his coaching ability and creativity by finding a way to overcome our obvious deficieinces this year and competing well. Hopefully we’ll pull off a couple of signature wins to get the ball rolling. Any pessimism at this stage is foolish. Realism is one thing, but basing any judgement on preseason recruiting is uninformed. See what the team plays like, because ultimately that is what is going to draw new talent, and give Sid a chance to market his program’s style of play before assessing his ability as a recruiter.

  9. ShootingGuard 09/21/2006 at 11:29 AM #

    “we were near the top of the list for Hickson (some thought he would have commited already had Sendek not left along with another top player).”

    Mr O,

    This is absolutely BOGUS. Hickson was NOWHERE close to committing to Sendek. By “some thought” you must mean Sendek’s daughter and Don Shea. Hickson SO loved Sendek and the PO and the meltdown last season that he is willing to fly all the way out to Arizona—to see Lute Olsen—but has NO time or interest in stopping in to see the guy he was “about to commit” his career to…Uh, right…

  10. Dan 09/21/2006 at 11:37 AM #

    I post this here since “those who cannot move on” got the Brackman thread locked. And deservedly so.

    ….The Royals also have seen a lot of North Carolina State right-hander Andrew Brackman and Vanderbilt left-hander David Price as well, both of whom could be the No. 1 pick.

    “Brackman is a tall guy (6 feet 10), but he pitches short,� Ladnier said.

    “I mean that in a positive way. Most big guys get pretty loose in their delivery — arms and legs flying everywhere. But he’s got a very repeatable motion….

    Yeah, that kid is going to make all of us proud, and he made a great decision to stick with baseball only.

  11. redfred2 09/21/2006 at 11:59 AM #

    “I post this here since “those who cannot move onâ€? got the Brackman thread locked. And deservedly so.”

    Now Dan, Dan, Danny Boy,

    Was THAT, a very nice thing to say?

  12. redfred2 09/21/2006 at 12:54 PM #

    Dan, not trying to ‘out point’ anyone here, just saying a final word.

    I haven’t seen AB play baseball, but as a freshmen in basketball, he showed court awareness, confidence, aggressiveness with a willingness to bang with anyone, and he reminded me from day one, of a better shooting but not at all unlike, NBA first rounder, Mike Dunleavy.

    I don’t think anyone is disputing, or not proud of Brackman’s future potential in baseball. But there was a day not too long ago, when he had all of the possibilities of playing in another professional league. With, but I say that only now after he has been given an opportunity and has developed further along in another sport, possibly not as much overall potential there. He was good in baseball coming out of high school, but if I’m not mistaken his stock wasn’t quite since then. The steep rise has taken place while he was wearing a Wolfpack uniform. Someone, somewhere, has helped to him to progress and advanced his skills much further along, right there in Raleigh, and in that particular sport.

    The only thing we can be 100% sure of, in other now impossible scenario, is that neither Andrew Brackman, or any us Wolfpack fans, will ever have a fair to chance to know what might have been.

    I will truly miss seeing him out there on the basketball court, I think he could have burst out onto the scene wide open, and right in front of our eyes over these next two seasons.

    But that’s it from me, my book is now closed on the topic.


  13. vtpackfan 09/21/2006 at 8:24 PM #

    Brackmans early exit to the green pastures of our nations pastime may supply a few guys to show us a thing or two simiular to what you liked to see out of AB Red. By the use of my strange mind I have constucted two players in my mind who will need to play, or even start a game this season at 3 different positions. Costner (C, PF, SF), Grant (PF, SF, G). Also two who will pull double duty, Fergueson (SF, G) and McAuley (C, PF).
    This will afford us the opportunity to witness something about one or more of this players that we will really be appreciative of witnessing. It will also afford coach Lowe a huge headache picking the combos, substitute patterns, and zone defenses in an effort to keep the score close.

  14. redfred2 09/22/2006 at 10:05 AM #

    Mr O

    I may be wrong but I think it is possibly a harder sell for Lowe concerning guys like Hickson, Wright,..etc. because what they were looking at in their earlier interest was just the coach, and his unwaivering style of play. The former’s system provided kind of a cushion, or security blanket so to speak, and it never made a single player look really bad, but neither did it afford them an opportunity to look really good either.

    I think we may have already witnessed one disappointing commitment to Arizona State for the exact reasons that I stated above.

    Sidney Lowe’s Wolfpack will be ever changing and evolving, and it will put individual players in the spotlight from time to time. That different philosophy may not be to the liking of some of these kids who choose a certain style of play over one that puts pressure on them as individuals. Sidney Lowe’s philosophy may not readily provide anyone an opportunity to hide their weaknesses, but will instead have limitless possibilities to improve and become better basketball players.

    I’m hoping that Hickson, Wright…and the list of other potentials have some ability to comprehend what I’m talking about, along with the courage to grab on a to a coach, and a basketball program, that will take them much further than anything that they had possibly expressed interest in earlier.

  15. Luke12321 09/29/2006 at 3:30 PM #

    Eric Wallace has opened back up from what I hear. Wonder if he would still be interested in us? I would think so but you never know I guess. Since we have Thomas we may not pursue him. I would think we would though since we are short on talented bodies and from what I hear he can jump out of the gym. He may no tbe interested in State anymore….time will tell I guess but he would be a nice addition to go along with Thomas and whoever else we sign!

  16. packbackr04 10/02/2006 at 2:20 PM #

    Luke^^ there is some interesting info on Eric Wallace on the “brackman and other bball bytes thread”

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