Another UNC-CH Grad Appointed Chair

Another in the long list of Chairpersons of the University of North Carolina System Board of Governors has been announced. The Board of Governors is the policy-making body that oversees the state of North Carolina’s 16-campus public university system.

Proclaiming a new Chair at the Board is effectively synonymous with announcing that another UNC-Chapel Hill graduate has been announced as Chairman of the Board of Govenors. In the history of the Board, we can remember only a single chair that did NOT hold a degree from UNC-Chapel Hill – Roddy Jones (ECU) of Raleigh in the late 1980s.

Jim Phillips of Greensboro will take post (Link)

Jim Phillips, a partner in the Greensboro law firm of Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey & Leonard LLP, has been elected to a two-year term as chairman of the University of North Carolina Board of Governors.

The Board of Governors is the policy-making body that oversees the state’s 16-campus public university system.

Phillips was first elected to the UNC board in 1997. He is currently a member of the Committee on Educational Planning, Polices and Programs. He has also served on the Committee on University Governance and was twice elected chair of the Committee on Budget and Finance. He is also a 1979 graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill.

Phillips also sits on the board of Triad Stage, and he is a member of the N.C. Bar Association’s Committee on Judicial Independence.

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11 Responses to Another UNC-CH Grad Appointed Chair

  1. Pack92 06/11/2006 at 1:43 PM #

    Law School=UNX grad=controlling interest in any type of board supposedly representing the public. After all, who in the public would not want to attend UNX? Especially after all our marketing and journalism majors get done with their spin job.

    Anything with “UNC” in the name is stupid looking for a place to happen.

  2. Micky McCarthy 06/11/2006 at 2:47 PM #

    How about: UNC=law grad=Greensboro=asshole=typical=priveleged=country club=golfer=firm partner=Hennessy drinker=white guy=puffy/fat=bloodshot skin=perfect fit for the BOG job.

  3. StateFans 06/11/2006 at 2:52 PM #


  4. vtpackfan 06/11/2006 at 6:41 PM #

    So is he Erskines new boss?

  5. Phil Ford 06/11/2006 at 6:46 PM #

    Burp, Maybe I the great Phil Ford can be on board since I am UNC man, i guarantee the UNC faithful to give any great NCSU basketball coach the shaft like we did Valvano and guarantee to cover our illegal ways by closing the minutes to our meeting so the public will not know how we run off great State coaches. A great state coach doesn’t have to violate his contract but we will fire him anyway like we did Valvano. No one does better than UNC we guarantee it in blood and sell our souls to make sure of it!! Burp! And like any UNC boy don’t you think Erskine look good in a tight pair of jeans, he can have my ghetto booty any day of the week! burp!

  6. choppack1 06/12/2006 at 9:13 AM #

    I really wish there was a way we could divorce ourselves from this situation. It’s hard to believe this entity would ever want what I and almost every State grad want – to see NC State ascend to the consensus #1 school in the State.

  7. Kingfish76 06/12/2006 at 12:52 PM #

    Maybe if we left the ACC, unc would leave us alone. Better yet, maybe they should go and take duke with them.

  8. WilmingtonWolf05 06/12/2006 at 3:03 PM #

    No one should be suprised, the UNC system is the oldest “good-ole boys” network in the state. What needs to happen is an insurrection, a coup of sorts to replace these corrupt sheepskin wearing bastards and get some non-UNX homers in these positions.

    I’m growing weary of it, and if enough other people get that way too, we can do something about it.

  9. Cardiff Giant 06/13/2006 at 9:18 AM #

    The UNC system is basically a jobs program for (a) failed Democratic politicians (see Bowles and Johnny Jump-Up) and (b) rich UNC good ol boys. Nothing changes.

  10. gumbydammit 06/13/2006 at 1:11 PM #

    Why does it surprise anyone that the established UNC-CH cabal bends over backwards to retain their power and look after their own? Having gone to UNC, bending over is what they know best…

  11. kickerofelves 06/23/2006 at 1:22 AM #

    How can anyone be surprised? UNC has a national reputation as a major university and has academic cache that State, while a decent school, doesn’t have. It’s more difficult to get into, it’s programs almost across the board including professional schools like Business, Med and Law are nationally ranked to an extent State could only dream of.

    If State wants to get the same rep quite whining about the ‘good ol’ boys network’, role up your sleeves and work on building on the quality of a what I admit is a decent school to the same level at Chapel Hill.

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