Weekend Open Entry

Weekend open entry:

* We encourage everybody to attend the post-press conference event for Coach Lowe and fly your car flags today.

* Some readers have noticed that we haven’t chimed in with any opinion on the Lowe hire as of yet. We will be doing it in the comingn days.

* Perspective from N&O

* Looks like Monte Towe will be a ‘gameday decision’ prior to today’s press conference.

* Hope that Coach Lowe asks all of his existing players to attend the event this evening to see the out pouring of support and start to get connected to NC State’s tradition.

* Sidney Lowe / Jim Les similarities

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93 Responses to Weekend Open Entry

  1. Joepack 05/06/2006 at 10:18 PM #

    (oops) But, then we hit the skids. Enough about last season. A new era started today and I, for one, am very excited about it. The meet and greet with the fans was a lot of fun. I’m not good at estimating the size of crowds, but there were several hundred people in attendance. Sid came across the infield of the track to say hello to some very excited people. He received a very warm welcome home. He spoke for a few minutes using a bull horn and then went up to the fence to shake hands and speak to the fans. I was lucky enough to shake Sid’s hand and wish him well. I am looking forward to seeing what he can do here at home. He is obviously very excited about the chance to coach here and he “gets it” when it comes to ACC basketball.

  2. redfred2 05/06/2006 at 10:20 PM #

    Hey, I don’t know to say. I saw the promise, I saw what he was trying to accomplish, recruiting and otherwise, I thought we were finnally gaining ground.

    Then came Seton Hall and it all fell apart, again.

    It was the games. I do not hate the man. I hated the basketball games.

  3. Joepack 05/06/2006 at 10:27 PM #

    There is a very telling quote from Gavin Grant in the most recent AP story on Lowe’s hire.

    “He told us he wanted us to be free and have fun,” said sophomore Gavin Grant, an athletic 6-foot-7 swingman. “[Sendek] wasn’t focused on having fun. He was more focused on we’ve got to win and it was this way or no way at all.
    “In the Princeton offense, I don’t think that offense fit me and a couple of other guys on the team as best we could. Now that we have a coach that understands where we’re coming from and played a little bit like some of us here, things should be a lot better around here.”

  4. redfred2 05/06/2006 at 10:33 PM #

    This debate will never end in my mind, and the others who see it from a totally different, and probably shorter term, perspective.

    Time to move on to the present.

    Sidney Lowe is here, and I am once again excited the upcoming Wolfpack basketball season. I hope next season will be a great new beginning for everyone, Herb Sendek included.

  5. [waves] 05/06/2006 at 10:50 PM #


    I agree with that last part.

    Oh, and I chalk up Grant’s comment as “playing up” to the new coach. Previously, he CREDITED Herb’s offense as his reason for coming to State. Who knows which way the wind blows?

  6. vtpackfan 05/06/2006 at 11:01 PM #

    No matter which direction you’re coming from on this one, we all can agree on one thing. We’re getting the exciting atmosphere of a new begining usually reserved for programs that were once proud but had since fallen a tough times. Herb left us on solid ground, and SL knows that. It’s going to take time for it all to come together, but when it does there will certainly be a lot more to write about than going 10-6, or 76+ pts. a game.

  7. floridawolf 05/06/2006 at 11:24 PM #

    “We needed someone who understands NC State, the tradition and the history. . . we needed someone who understands the ACC . . . we needed someone who understood that when you walk out of your house, your neighbor might be wearing blue . . . I realized that was me.” – Coach Lowe

    Enough said.

  8. BillyTheKid 05/06/2006 at 11:28 PM #

    I listened to the PC at 5:30 on the radio and later watched it on wral.com. I was truly impressed with how intelligent Coach Lowe came across. As I watched I really enjoyed how he cut his eyes at our(I hope) “big man” as he was talking about giving him the ball. The other thing that overwhelmed me as I watched was how much I would love to be able to work under this man, have him as a boss if you will. I liked Herb a lot, as I’ve said here before, but I never had that feeling about him. I have four sons of my own and I would have no problem whatsoever with Mr. Lowe coming into my home and asking me to entrust him with the care of one of my children no matter what college he was coaching. I don’t think I can say anything more about how happy I am today.

  9. 74Pack 05/06/2006 at 11:39 PM #

    Haven’t commented lately, but after seeing Sid’s press conference today, then learning that Monty’s coming home, I’m on cloud nine. For those too young to remember these guys in their playing days, I can tell you that there is absolutely no quit in either of them! You will see a whole new team next year. They may not win the ACC just yet, but I’ll guarantee you Dook and UNC will be bloodied, if not beaten.
    Like the Times-Picayune sportswriter said, “adrenalin, wrapped in caffeine” – TIMES TWO!
    Buckle up – it’s gonna get wild!

  10. Hawkeye Whitney 05/07/2006 at 12:08 AM #

    The two point guards from our two national championship teams, both on the sideline leading our young guys. Man, you couldn’t write it up that good. After the last month’s anguish, all wolfpackers deserve to have this level of excitement. Good luck Phil Ford, you’re just a memory to me now.

  11. cashcow 05/07/2006 at 1:36 AM #

    Phil Ford thats funny. I feel confident that Sid will be able to recruit with the big-time. His personality and ties to the nba will help in a big way. Maybe with Harris back in the fold we’ll be able to get Wright back.

  12. Packof82Cards 05/07/2006 at 9:18 AM #

    I agree Billy. The thing that impresed me the most was his personality. He just seems like someone that you would feel very comfortable around. You gotta believe that he is gonna do well as a recruiter.

  13. Cardiff Giant 05/07/2006 at 11:46 AM #

    I attended the welcome yesterday at it was a happy and very enthusiastic crowd of about 1000 people. I felt very good for Sidney and for us. Unfortunately, the welcome itself was handled in the usual incompetent Anabelle Vaughan fashion – no one introduced Sid or officially welcomed him for the school (even though that was done at the PC it would have been a good thing here, too). Then they gave Sid a bullhorn that was more like a calf-horn – you could barely hear him.

    Let’s have a clean sweep and get that idiot Vaughan out as long as we are clearing out dead wood.

  14. redfred2 05/07/2006 at 12:16 PM #

    Lowe has expriences that will earn the immediate respect from his players and potential recruits. He also has a personality that will engender him and make them play their hearts for him at practices, and in games.

    It would be nice, and it’s not out of the question, but I don’t expect anything involving an immediate turn around, this is going to be an uphill struggle with some low points along the way. What I do expect to see is some no holds barred, very exciting college basketball once again, with players leaving everything they have on the court, night after night.

    I hope Sidney Lowe isn’t shy about watching his own game films, along with those of the Thompson era, in front of his players and potential recruits. That’s whats been missing with the new group, an ability to believe that we were the greatest basketball program in the ACC, and the college basketball nation, at one time, and in reality, not so long ago. There has to be a bridge that will instill that unbelievable feeling back into the younger generation of players, and fans.

    Lee Fowler may have blindly stumbled onto to the proverbial golden goose.

  15. class of 74 05/07/2006 at 12:53 PM #

    What has returned to our program is joy. You could see it in the kids eyes at the press conference. You could see it in the former players. And you could see it in the crowd that welcomed Coach Lowe after the PC.

    It has been one hell of a long time since we’ve seen this kind of joy in our ranks and gosh it sure does feel good to once again have it back!

  16. cfpack03 05/09/2006 at 10:07 AM #

    Not sure where to post these but below are a few articles of interest:

    Horner’s scholarship hinges on face-to-face meeting with new coach

    Grant faces immigration hearing

  17. cfpack03 05/09/2006 at 10:11 AM #

    Another article of interest about a potential football recruit. Provides some insight into how we’re recruiting these days. Daryl Vereen, star tailback for North Meck, rambles about who’s recruiting him and how they’re doing it.


  18. redfred2 05/10/2006 at 2:47 PM #


    “Oh, and I chalk up Grant’s comment as “playing upâ€? to the new coach. Previously, he CREDITED Herb’s offense as his reason for coming to State. Who knows which way the wind blows?”

    He had to find something intelligent to say when asked about his decision to play for Sendek. Not to be a smart a*, but what else was there to say?

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