Zarzour: Today is the Day

This is a short one…so, while you are here take a look around and have some fun.

I don’t live in the Triangle anymore, so I don’t have the opportunity to listen to a lot of local sports radio. But, from what I can gather, Taylor Zarzour of 1090AM has done a very commendable job of covering the NC State coaching search.

Evidently, this morning Zarzour reported the following:

* Confirmed the obvious that Calipari was in Raleigh last night to visit facilities.

* Discussed Cal’s strained relations with Memphis’ AD and frustration with not being paid market value without so much prodding.

* Shared that NC State refused to offer Calipari a contract in Memphis. Told Cal that if he came to visit that he would be offered a contract.

* NC State offered the contract that pays $1.7 million a year with incentives that can get him to $2.0 million. The incentives were not ridiculous to achieve.

* I did not hear Zarzour, but my friend told me that Zarzour shared that he would guess/predict that Calipari would accept and be NC State’s next coach. That is not the same as the people on the idiot boards saying that Zarzour reported that Calipari was going to be our next coach.

* The answer will come today.

Hold on tight.

General NCS Basketball

255 Responses to Zarzour: Today is the Day

  1. camo-pack98 04/11/2006 at 10:53 AM #


  2. NeverGiveUp 04/11/2006 at 10:53 AM #

    It is only 10AM in Memphis and the coach didn’t get home until 1-2AM. Don’t panic.

  3. WilmingtonWolf05 04/11/2006 at 10:54 AM #

    Yeah, it’ll be our first home. We can’t wait! I love it down here. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    So, back to the topic: I really would love to see Calipari back in Raleigh this evening or tomorrow morning. I don’t want to drag this on any further. I’m completely convinced he is the right guy for the job. We’ll have two coaches from Western Pennsylvania again. Wonder if he’s a Steelers fan too??

  4. BigBad 04/11/2006 at 10:54 AM #

    As I understand my NC State HISTORY…we were not the WOLFPACK until a sports writer made a comment about the passion of our fans being …”frenzied like a Pack of Wolves”….the students adopted the nickname…and eventually…the university did as well…and we are now the WOLFPACK…no reason why we can’t take it upon ourselves to take a negative by a few media members, and spin it to our own benefit….thus the ULTRA enthusiastic fans could then become the WOLFPACK LUNATIC FRINGE…sounds good to me…

  5. 4PackinMB 04/11/2006 at 10:55 AM #

    WilmingtonWolf05, Packof 82Cards….ever get down to MB?

  6. Bleeds_Red 04/11/2006 at 10:56 AM #

    Kelly Lee: RAWR!

  7. Wolf-in Around 04/11/2006 at 10:56 AM #

    Any new….news on any blogs, papers, ESPN, Fox Sports, WRAL, Memphis?

  8. tvbman 04/11/2006 at 10:56 AM #

    The nice thing about the show this morning, was the interview they did with Andrew Jones. He complimented NC State officials for seriously doing their homework. They checked with the NCAA on Cal’s past allegations. Andrew mentioned that “State wanted to find something wrong with Calipari, but the more they dug into his past, the more they started to change their perception of him as a coach (for the positive) because they couldn’t find anything that they could pin on him.” They mentioned his recruiting of less than stellar student-athletes. He said that his source told him that Cal himself mentioned acknowledged that point and that it would not be an issue because it would be easier to recruit the type of student athlete we would like while at NC State versus at UMASS or Memphis.

  9. JimmyVguy 04/11/2006 at 10:56 AM #

    Camopack…maybe i misunderstood but you do promtional items for…?

  10. WilmingtonWolf05 04/11/2006 at 10:57 AM #

    all the time. The woman and I drive down there for date night every few weeks. My parents used to take me there every year (sometimes twice a year) for our family vacation. I’m not from Wilmington originally, but this is where I got hired after I graduated. I have made it my home and I enjoy it immensely. πŸ™‚ Myrtle has my favorite resturaunt, T-BONZ!

  11. camo-pack98 04/11/2006 at 10:58 AM #

    any wolfpackers out there in the dc area? my wife and kids are in burke and i’m about to be a grad student at georgetown when i get back from germany. this friday and i cannot wait to eat some decent mexican food, three years gone i’m glad to be getting home!

  12. JimmyVguy 04/11/2006 at 10:58 AM #

    Lunatic Fringe

    Sounds wonderful…problem is getting licensed to do it?

  13. Bleeds_Red 04/11/2006 at 10:59 AM #

    Err…Kelly Fox: RAWR!
    LOL I need some sleep!

  14. camo-pack98 04/11/2006 at 11:00 AM #

    true and that is why we could not use the lyrics. i wonder if there would be any copyright on the phrase? it is public record that we (pack fans) have been referred to as the lunatic fringe, this is seperate and apart from the lyrics. insinuating that the fans calling for herb to leave were a seperate radical element of the fanbase. my thoughts, any lawyers out there?

  15. cfpack03 04/11/2006 at 11:01 AM #

    no reason why we canÒ€ℒt take it upon ourselves to take a negative by a few media members, and spin it to our own benefit
    We were pinned the ‘lunatic fringe’ by Lee Fowler, not the media. Anyway, I’d wear a shirt b/c I did want Sendek out, but when I go to the games I’ll wear something else red.

  16. Jacques_Strap 04/11/2006 at 11:01 AM #

    Why is this story breaking today of all days?!?!?!?!

    Memphis’ Williams leaning toward returning

    Memphis F Shawne Williams is leaning toward remaining with the Tigers for his sophomore season rather than entering the NBA draft. Williams needs to become more assertive and accurate on offense and must improve his conditioning. He shot only 31.2 percent from 3-point range and wore down at season’s end, averaging just 11.0 points in the NCAA Tournament

  17. RAWFS 04/11/2006 at 11:02 AM #

    Hey, I heard Ovies on the Buzz saying something about the UNC-GA needing to sign off and no official announcement until Thursday. Wassupwidat?

  18. Wolf-in Around 04/11/2006 at 11:02 AM #

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmm? I don’t think the CIA could do a better job than SFN…so, Admin….when is the next update…I need a fix?

  19. JimmyVguy 04/11/2006 at 11:03 AM #

    I think the precedent has been set that people can use the term “lunatic fringe”.

    I was assuming we’d use a NCSU logo or something somewhere on the shirt, but if not then I think we’ll be okay.

  20. motorhead 04/11/2006 at 11:05 AM #

    Speaking of music, there’s a great song by Motorhead called The Wolf.

  21. camo-pack98 04/11/2006 at 11:05 AM #

    jimmyv that would take too much work. the ncsu cycling club cannot even sell their jersey’s to alumni because of licensing. however,

    the lunatic fringe

    would definitely work!

  22. camo-pack98 04/11/2006 at 11:07 AM #

    motorhead, there is also duran-duran. j/k.

  23. JimmyVguy 04/11/2006 at 11:07 AM #

    Actually, I am already licensed to use the logo. My company just got approved about a month ago. We’re gonna be using logos on our gloves.

  24. JimmyVguy 04/11/2006 at 11:08 AM #

    Back to the important stuff…when is the press conference?

  25. Jacques_Strap 04/11/2006 at 11:08 AM #

    I could follow this story alot better if my clients would stop bothering me.

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