Monday Night Coaching Update

…and we thought last week was a roller coaster!!

To be fair, the events of last week were a roller coaster. The ‘roller coaster’ events of the last 24 hours may have been a roller coaster of our own making.

We plead with everyone to read what we post here very carefully and not choose to misinterpret anything that is said. If we report a “rumor”, we are simply letting you know things that are out there and not reporting the rumor to be true.

Breathe. Relax. Hope.

* SFN was told last night that Coach Calipari was scheduled to visit Raleigh tonight to “look at facilities”. Since we couldn’t corroborate the information at the time, we wanted to hold off on it. Additionally, if the information was true, we wanted to practice some cautious restraint and not risk any public spotlight on components of these discussions that should be private.

* Depsite one report to the contrary, obviously the information seemed to have some merit as many national and local (NC and Memphis) media outlets have reported Calipari’s trip. (So, nobody can blame us for spilling any beans today since we have held off logging this entry until tonight.)

* With all of the misinformation out there about an “afternoon visit” and calls into local radio shows bogusly claiming to have seen Coach Calipari…exactly when is it that Calipari supposedly visited?

* We think right now. (Typing this at 9pm and holding off on posting it) We think that not only has Coach Calipari landed in Raleigh to see NC State and our facilities, but we think that his entire staff may have accompanied him.

* We think that this cannot be anything but a fantastic sign. First, it indicates that both parties are adhering to their previously agreed upon plan. (Which makes us feel much better about the public revelation of yesterday’s contigent). Perhaps if other items were verbally agreed upon in yesterday’s meeting then those items will also continue to be honored? 🙂

* Additionally, we think that bringing his entire staff indicates a level of interest that is significantly more than cursory.

* It would be interesting to know if Calipari’s wife has accompanied him on the trip, although we doubt it at this late hour)

* We know nothing about the specifics of contract talks in Memphis other than what has been reported in the press. We think that officials at Memphis were hoping to go ahead and issue some kind of statement today and get this behind them. That obviously didn’t work out for them.

* With Chancellor Oblinger and Faculty Athletics Representative Donn Ward in attendance, yesterday’s conversation with Calipari was very poignant and honest. Calipari evidently was quite impressive to the NC State contingent. (We told you so last week when just begged State to give the man a shot).

* By the way, yesterday’s meeting took place at Calipari’s home. Not on the airplane as some suggested.

* Calipari and NC State were discussed this evening on ESPN’s Pardon the Interruption. Damn that national attention!! Who wants that?

* We have said from the start to watch and listen to Memphis for the news to start leaking of Cal’s decision. Unfortunately for all of us, Memphis’ media and their internet community is atrocious. Their primary message boards are comprised of more idiots than the average message board community without what seems to be a single “insider” among the crowd. We have no indication that Calipari has told his team anything at this point.

* Perhaps the most amazing part of this entire process has been the indescribable excitement and commitment that it has generated for NC State fans. This fanbase has NO PARALLEL!! (Just go look at a Memphis Tiger Message Board for proof). Fans literall have tracked private flights all over the internet (again tonight), as well as well as followed the RBC’s live webcam close enough to realize that the lights just came on in the last hour. One guy on the Pack Pride message board even claimed to call RBC Center security to talk to the guard.

* This^ reminds us of this article on Wolfpackers “Basketball Passion” that was posted before this past season. We thought we’d highlight a comment from the entry:

I just want that excitement, that buzz we once had. Where you really got excited to go to the games and looked forward to playing the best teams in the ACC. I sometimes think I’m sounding like my parents where “we walked 5 miles in the snow to get to school� but damn, we were once the cat’s meow of basketball around here.

We think that this plays out in a number of different ways. Here are some things for which look:

* Best Case Scenario – Calipari and his staff spend the night in Raleigh. May we suggest a private room at the Angus Barn. NC State calls a press conference for tomorrow afternoon some point in the morning and introduces our new coach. I hope that they do it in Reynolds and allow us all to go. Calipari could call his players on the phone to tell them of the news during the day. (Is this how Sendek did it?)

* 50/50 Case Scenario – Calipari and staff go back to Memphis tonight or tomorrow to contemplate their decision and/or meet with their team to inform them of their decision.

* Worst Case Scenario– Calipari and staff go back to Memphis and accept a new contract. NC State will continue its search. The productivity in companies throughout North Carolina plummets to the point where we all go bankrupt and nobody can afford their Wolfpack Club dues.

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199 Responses to Monday Night Coaching Update

  1. ltkurtz 04/10/2006 at 10:33 PM #

    Fowler: “Hey Wendell, get off that zamboni! It’s Cal’s turn.”

  2. NCBP 04/10/2006 at 10:33 PM #

    Did you guys know that Coach Cal lettered 2 years at UNCW ! He obviously knows our great state and would think that will play well with his family. He has 2 daughters and a son. His oldest daughter recently started college at UMass I believe.

  3. Jeremy Hyatt 04/10/2006 at 10:34 PM #

    i wonder if he even addressed the team after the texas loss, he took a different exit off the court.. who cares, we might have coach calimari by tomorrow !

  4. motorhead 04/10/2006 at 10:35 PM #

    Now someone get on Photoshop and have that picture of Calipari waving on the Zamboni

  5. NCBP 04/10/2006 at 10:36 PM #

    Yes indeed, the Zamboni is now rolling! why would that happen with no game tonight :>)

    Too bad the cam won’t pan over and show the chancellor’s suite!

  6. Jeremy Hyatt 04/10/2006 at 10:36 PM #

    did you guys know that spending over 10 hours on this site has cause ED?

  7. Jeremy Hyatt 04/10/2006 at 10:36 PM #

    BroskiNCSU: what are the students on campus saying tonite?

  8. Jeremy Hyatt 04/10/2006 at 10:38 PM #

    We should make sure Texas in on our schedule next year…

  9. kjbritto 04/10/2006 at 10:38 PM #

    Looking forward to “any” news tomorrow, this speculation is killing me.

  10. motorhead 04/10/2006 at 10:38 PM #

    Erectile Dysfunction or Emotional Disturbance (or both)

  11. Jacques_Strap 04/10/2006 at 10:38 PM #

    If the zamboni is going clockwise it’s Cal. He always goes clockwise from the bottom of the hour to the top of the hour.

  12. Jeremy Hyatt 04/10/2006 at 10:39 PM #

    Erectile Dynfunction

    case in point, isn’t of making love to my girlfriend, i talked to her about the goings on of the Cal saga, and she just rolled over.

  13. Jeremy Hyatt 04/10/2006 at 10:40 PM #


  14. BroskiNCSU 04/10/2006 at 10:41 PM #

    jeremy hyatt…about 8 of us are sittin in park shops studyin…haha readin this site…and everyone is jacked up at the thought of Cal being the new coach…from the way the guard more or less told us to leave…and by the way he acted toward us with our questions to him…we are pretty sure he was in there…but then again the guard could have just been an ass!

  15. NeverGiveUp 04/10/2006 at 10:41 PM #

    lights off @ RBC?

  16. Wolf4Life 04/10/2006 at 10:41 PM #

    Zamboni is done and the lights are out

  17. Jeremy Hyatt 04/10/2006 at 10:41 PM #

    lol @ Broski

  18. beowolf 04/10/2006 at 10:41 PM #

    Now I know Jacques Strap is MCB. Only he’d whip out a Hunt For Red October paraphrase along with the Frog pun of an alias.

  19. pman27 04/10/2006 at 10:44 PM #

    Check out this posting and note the author:

    Very terse and executive sounding. Classic.

    ; )

  20. NJPacker 04/10/2006 at 10:44 PM #

    I’ve been following this from NJ. If this doesn’t happen soon I’m going to have to join a support group (perhaps the lunatic fringe).

  21. JoeDog 04/10/2006 at 10:44 PM #

    Lights back on at RBC. Cal must be playin’ with buttons!

  22. Jeremy Hyatt 04/10/2006 at 10:46 PM #

    I don’t buy that post pman27, he wouldn’t say ‘message board people’ anyway. you think he gives a rat’s ass for ‘message board people’

  23. Jeremy Hyatt 04/10/2006 at 10:47 PM #

    JoeDog: where are you?

  24. NYPack 04/10/2006 at 10:47 PM #

    JH, its a joke. Laugh. I did 🙂

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