Memphis Could Have Avoided This Mess

In most cases if John Calipari were to stay quiet for this long, someone might want to shove a cell phone under his nose to see if he showed any signs of life.

This is different. There can be only two reasons why he has maintained public silence for such a long period:

1) He’s seriously considering becoming the head coach at NC State, but it’s a tough decision because of the great team he’d be leaving behind;

2) He’s torturing the Memphis administration with a long wait because certain people were foolish enough to believe he couldn’t/wouldn’t leave for another job.

Mike DeCourcy

About VaWolf82

Engineer living in Central Va. and senior curmudgeon amongst SFN authors One wife, two kids, one dog, four vehicles on insurance, and four phones on cell plan...looking forward to empty nest status. Graduated 1982

General NCS Basketball

248 Responses to Memphis Could Have Avoided This Mess

  1. wolfpacker420 04/11/2006 at 4:15 PM #

    yea i think he really needs the money! sucks to be the next josh powell

  2. Jeremy Hyatt 04/11/2006 at 4:15 PM #

    Cal needs to hurry up, he needs to talk to Ced, Werner, etc.

  3. JimmyVguy 04/11/2006 at 4:15 PM #

    The NCAA needs to find a way to pay players so that they don’t jump into bad decisions such as this. Ced is a terrific player and a terrific talent, but should stay in school one more year.

  4. Omega Wolf 04/11/2006 at 4:16 PM #

    We have take off….

    It appears that a private jet left Memphis 8 minutes ago…

  5. NYPack 04/11/2006 at 4:16 PM #

    He’s already being “paid” with his scholarship. Not much the NCAA can do to stop people from making bonehead moves.

  6. JimmyVguy 04/11/2006 at 4:16 PM #

    Is Werner trying to get out too?

  7. Packof82Cards 04/11/2006 at 4:16 PM #

    They may not have insuranse Hyatt. I live not to far away from where he’s from and there are some pretty poor areas there. Not sure if Ced is from one of them though but it is a possibility.

  8. Omega Wolf 04/11/2006 at 4:16 PM #

    BTW, it is headed for RDU.

  9. Jeremy Hyatt 04/11/2006 at 4:17 PM #

    JimmyV: it sucks cause it would have been a break out year for him.

    also Sheldon williams and wake forest williams are gone, so he could dominate

  10. Jeremy Hyatt 04/11/2006 at 4:17 PM #

    Omega: plane # ?

  11. Jeremy Hyatt 04/11/2006 at 4:17 PM #

    got it, a fedex plane?? ummm

  12. JimmyVguy 04/11/2006 at 4:18 PM #

    I’m gonna scream. Simmons could be a damn all american if he comes back next year.

  13. hoop 04/11/2006 at 4:18 PM #

    It’s a twin jet allright. But it’s got to be a FedEx plane… It’s HUGE.

  14. Omega Wolf 04/11/2006 at 4:18 PM #

    It is a cover. He got the plan from that Fred guy…isn’t he a Memphis alum?

  15. wolfpacker420 04/11/2006 at 4:18 PM #

    well we will see ced in italy or in the nbadl next year. hope that is enough money to help. Powell made the nba after 2years right?

  16. NYPack 04/11/2006 at 4:18 PM #

    Stupid question, but why is the Fed Ex plane going to Raleigh? I thought Fed Ex was Memphis’ backer…

  17. 74Pack 04/11/2006 at 4:18 PM #

    That’s a big FedEx Airbus. I don’t think FedEx is going to take Cal to Raleigh!

  18. Jeremy Hyatt 04/11/2006 at 4:18 PM #

    i don’t think he’s on a package plane there buddy

  19. monte kiffin 04/11/2006 at 4:18 PM #

    he is from a very poor family…no insurance and his father is sic…i dont agree with his decision, but i understand it….I’M BACK!!!!!! Blog go down????

  20. goobnav 04/11/2006 at 4:19 PM #

    Omega that’s a Fed EX flight

  21. hoop 04/11/2006 at 4:19 PM #
  22. WilmingtonWolf05 04/11/2006 at 4:19 PM #

    This is just turning into a rediculously bad news day for the Wolfpack so far….. We need Calipari to save face and stop the bleeding.

  23. JimmyVguy 04/11/2006 at 4:19 PM #

    what’s up with werner?

    Are any of our other guys transferring?

    What is Brackman doing…will he play basketball next year?

  24. Omega Wolf 04/11/2006 at 4:19 PM #

    Jeremy, Didn’t you learn from last night to laugh?

  25. Winston Wolf 04/11/2006 at 4:19 PM #

    That’s a FedEx aircraft. Don’t thing is carrying Cal. Maybe he announced he was leaving and the Fedex plane is taking him up to 10,000 feet to throw him out.

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