Fowler Not to Blame on this One

Link to tonight’s coaching conversation

I know that I am the last person in the world that you ever thought that you would see writing this piece, but I’ve seen a lot of Wolfpackers on message boards (and on this blog) trying to criticize Lee Fowler for the John Calipari situation. I had to chime in and share that I find that criticism unfair.

Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty in this world for which Lee Fowler can be criticized – NC State wouldn’t be in this current situation had he taken the appropriate and obvious steps to make a change in our basketball program five years ago. Nor would it exist had he had been more proactive about nudging Herb Sendek out of Raleigh in recent years when perhaps the coaching candidate pool contained more rising stars (like Bruce Pearl last year and Thad Matta the previous year). It sure would have been nice to have been prepared for Calipari’s re-entrance into college basketball six years ago or have spoken with Rick Barnes five years ago before he was established and settled in Austin.

But, you cannot criticize Lee Fowler for missing on John Calipari. I honestly believe that there was nothing that Fowler and NC State could have done differently in the Calipari situation. Nothing. As we stated in our de-brief tonight, John Calipari initiated contact with NC State. John Calipari pursued NC State. John Calipari verbally committed to NC State. John Calipari lied to everyone throughout the process. He played us like a master. You can’t criticize Fowler for pursing one of the two big names that everyone in the NC State community wanted to try to pursue.

Perhaps the overall NC State search could be executed more strategically? Perhaps Fowler should have had a short list that was more vetted than it appears has been the case (because, he knows basketball)? Perhaps we should have been through more than just two candidates in Day Ten of the search – especially since Fowler expressed that he knew of Arizona State’s interest and the likelihood of losing Sendek before it happend.

Regardless, the Calipari situation is over. We will never have to face Calipari on a regular basis because we know that he will never coach in the Atlantic Coast Conference. It is time to move forward.

Fowler, to his credit, has gone after the two coaches NC State has coveted for many years. Kudos. He (we) didn’t land them. There may be one more candidate that will universally unite the fan base that remains – Jay Wright. Perhaps this is where the criticism for Fowler starts to become justified – if you’ve had weeks to get ready for this, how are we not more engaged with Wright? Maybe we are. It just doesn’t feel that way.

In Georgia Tech’s search five years ago, all the GT fans were asking for Bill Self and Calipari. Dave Braine did his homework, and got who he thought was the best mid major coach out there, Paul Hewitt.

Going after the major boys is great, but the two downsides are (1) you can get burned and (2) some really good mid-major candidates get taken before you get to them. For example Mike Anderson (UAB to Mizzou) may have been a good fit for us. Same with Bobby Gonzalez (Manhatten to Seton Hall). Mark Turgeon at Wichita State just signed a contract extension.

I have heard/seen a few comments tonight that spoke to how Lee Fowler didn’t want to go after Calipari to begin with and was ‘pushed’ into by the Wolfpack Club and certain blogs. (No shit. How is that for a hoot! Talk about power!!!! I don’t know if I would want to admit that, however). I just wonder who these people who criticize would have acccepted as #2 on our list? Sounds like the same mindset that has driven our program into this ditch — Don’t aim high. Don’t set big goals. Don’t let anyone know that you want to be the best. When you live life in that manner then you can never fail!

I have no idea who Fowler’s original Plan B was supposed to be. I don’t think anyone really does. Public indications point to it being John Brady.

And somehow, certain critics of those that wanted to aim high think that Lee Fowler’s master plan of John Brady is supposed to make everyone feel BAD about trying to get Calipari? Non-sense. If anything it justifies exactly why State had to take swings of the bat at big named candidates. It’s not our fault that Fowler never proactively created a situation over the last six years where NC State could control its own destiny with a more strategic coaching move as opposed to a reactionary one.

Fowler, if he hasn’t done so, needs to start examining mid major candidates and be prepared for that avenue if Jay Wright is not the guy. There is a Jim Valvano, Coach K, Bobby Cremmins, or Paul Hewitt out there. Fowler must find him. Afterall, he knows basketball.

General NCS Basketball

105 Responses to Fowler Not to Blame on this One

  1. WP 01 04/12/2006 at 9:20 AM #

    I’m gonna lay low for about a week. Stay off the boards and this sight and get back to my life!!! I’m sure my buddies will call if something earth shattering happens. Bird doggin’ the search like I’ve done hasn’t been healthy, productive, or fruitful.

  2. Astral Rain 04/12/2006 at 9:21 AM #

    I still think Bill Laimbeer- with good assistants to help with recruiting, would be a hire from the wild- but could work. I can see an NBA All-Star helping with the recruitment, and he was a smart, heady player who maximized his talent.

    He’s also just 49, so he still has time to grow into the job, and he’d be cheap enough to fire it if goes sour. He also knew rebounding, which is an area the team needs help in.

    He does have head coaching experience in the WNBA- where he did win a title. Now, I don’t know how well that translates, but I’d say the WNBA is about the skill level of college ball.

    Maybe I”m smoking crack- but I think it would be worth taking a look at.

  3. cfpack03 04/12/2006 at 9:21 AM #

    Lutz doesn’t have the fire we need. I compare him with Sendek, a pretty good coach but I don’t think he can get us there.

  4. WilmingtonWolf05 04/12/2006 at 9:22 AM #

    I’m 25 years old, and I’ve been a State fan since I could breathe. I was only 2 when we last won the national championship, so I don’t remember it all that well. I read all the books about Jim Valvano, Everett Case and the NC State tradition, and it pains me to hear the media outlets slam us for wanting to “get to greatness” when they don’t remember that we were there once.

    It’s just a bit disappointing to feel this great sense of hope, and then have it dashed every time. Such has been the life of a Wolfpack fan, but I sincerely feel that it shouldn’t be that way.

    I would love to turn the tables on the UNC-media, and watch them squirm…. GO WOLFPACK!! It’s US against the WORLD (or at least it feels that way sometimes)!!!

  5. beowolf 04/12/2006 at 9:25 AM #

    booman, only UNC could so successfully screw up a coaching search that they could hire their dream guy in three years. Only UNC could “discover” that their coach, who was Coach of the Year when he was successful, was *DANGEROUSLY PSYCHOTIC* when he was 8-20. And only UNC could luck up that their Dream Coach would, in that short time, suddenly have a new jackass of an AD.

    We’re hiring for the next 10 years, minimum. Provided the guy doesn’t trip over his own shoelaces in public or fornicate with handicapped children, he’ll be damned near coach for life regardless of his record. NC State cannot get rid of people without the entire outside world damning us for daring to want to be what we used to be.

  6. Jacques_Strap 04/12/2006 at 9:25 AM #

    Sounds like the same mindset that has driven our program into this ditch — Don’t aim high. Don’t set big goals. Don’t let anyone know that you want to be the best. When you live life in that manner then you can never fail!

    Agree. No shame in going for broke and failing. The failure is in never trying.

    I’m sad we did not get Cal but I won’t hate on him. Just not my style to feel like he is perfect one day & trash him 24 hours later. I know I’m in the minority on this subject but so be it. Maybe it is because of the line of work I’m in. I think he made the wrong decision, but it is his to make. I’m moving on.

    Let’s don’t settle, keep swingin’. We will only fail when we quit wanting to and believing we can return to being the best.

  7. Sig1990 04/12/2006 at 9:27 AM #

    I’m a first time poster and State alum living in the heart of SEC country. Great blog. I’d like to throw out a name that has not be mentioned. Jeff Lebo at Auburn. With Roy on the Hill I doubt Lebo would get a shot at the job anytime soon. We need someone who understands the passion for hoops in the Triangle and who knows what being a Big 4 team means.

    Lebo has done a fine job @ AU and my AU buddies think he’s a keeper. I’d love to see some thought from you die hards!

  8. booman group 04/12/2006 at 9:29 AM #

    awesome points Beowolf…how quickly the UNC folks forget their past trials and tribulations of the coaching search. We need to get this deal done quickly to we can all get behind the new Coach and show the world we are the greatest fans out there.

  9. audhumla 04/12/2006 at 9:33 AM #

    Like I’ve said before, I worked with Coach Lutz when I was an undergrad. And I’m not a lawyer, but I do have some understanding of the idea that what you say about a public figure on the web can be actionable, unless you’re expressing a personal opinion. (If the site admins want to contact me via e-mail, I can be a little less circumspect.)

    So, this is my personal opinion: Bobby Lutz is not the man to be State’s next coach.

  10. cfpack03 04/12/2006 at 9:35 AM #

    Can we continue to update ‘The NOT List’?
    Add Lutz and Brady, and probably Haith since he just got a fat raise.

  11. booman group 04/12/2006 at 9:38 AM #

    If we go after Wright and Crean, it will be a nasty battle between the ACC and Big East because of the existing bad blood from the expansion. The Big Least will do all that it can not to lose AGAIN to the ACC.

  12. 74Pack 04/12/2006 at 9:40 AM #

    Lutz???? Have you ever listened to this guy speak??? He’s awful, and the 49er nation is raking him over the coals. I don’t think he projects the persona we need to take the program back to serious national contention.
    Marshall, however, might just be the ticket. He apparently has the “fire in the belly” and has compiled a helluva record at Winthrop!

  13. WilmingtonWolf05 04/12/2006 at 9:40 AM #

    I just think Fowler and everyone should have kept completely SILENT about the entire coaching search from the start. The last thing we need is some idiot Tarheel fan contacting and threatening our targets, or offering financial assistance to the school to keep said target at that school. Keep the leaks from happening, keep the search quiet, and not let anyone know anything until we have a coach. It’s just a little rediculous what has gone on up to this point with the media. Plus, listing email addresses and phone numbers just makes it easier for UNZ lurkers to send “anonymous” hate mail…. Don’t be suprised if this is actually happening. I wouldn’t put anything past those slimy smurfs.

  14. Par Shooter 04/12/2006 at 9:46 AM #

    I’m not on the inside but I get the distinct feeling that most of the leaks have been from the other side in both the Barnes and Calipari sagas. And these leaks were calculated to further each of their causes. Personally, I’m surprised at how little Fowler has said publicly since the search started. In fact, I think that he has pretty much been silent about the coaching search in public.

    As someone suggested earlier, if we ever approach Wright with an offer, it may make sense to stipulate that if the offer shows up in the press, it’s off the table.

  15. booman group 04/12/2006 at 9:47 AM #

    if the smurfs start pounding on you about our search efforts, just email this nice list: “Roy Williams, Eddie Fogler, Larry Brown, George Karl, Regis Philbin, Britney Spears, Elian Gonzalez, and Me,” as candidates that declined, except for, Doherty”. how quickly they forget.

  16. beowolf 04/12/2006 at 9:50 AM #

    I still say we hire Mike O’Donnell. Kid’s got a good head on his shoulders and was a good sport about leaving after a year. Bring him back, and then we can get a head start on next year’s search.

    Look, it’s a better suggestion than hiring Brady.

  17. BJD95 04/12/2006 at 9:57 AM #

    I feel even worse today, kids.

  18. tractor57 04/12/2006 at 9:58 AM #

    I have been firmly in the anit-Fowler camp until the coaching search. I think he has done a good job so far – his not talking to the media with anything serious is a good thing. Yes, I am disappointed about the turn of events (more with Barnes than Call) but I thought both were longshots given the particulars of each situation. Now is the time for patience. Yes, next year may be the pits but I’ll take that in exchange for a coach with lots of upside – regardless of what the tarholes and dookies say.

  19. booman group 04/12/2006 at 10:00 AM #

    Good article from the Durham Herald Sun:

  20. BlakeJohns 04/12/2006 at 10:07 AM #

    You guys are missing the boat on this one…Calipari did not use NCSU to fatten his wallet. In the past 9 years, Cal has made $21 million! As ESPN said, Cal needs more money like he needs speech lessons. Furthermore, he was already set to get a big raise from Memphis for his success this year. He and RC Johnson (Memphis AD) had been negotiating for 2 weeks. All this did was speed up the negotiations.

    Cal did initiate contact with NCSU because he was intrigued by the possibility of going head-to-head in the ACC. This was a very tough decision for him – and it had nothing, nothing to do with money. In the end, he decided things are setup too nicely in Memphis right now.

  21. booman group 04/12/2006 at 10:11 AM #

    remember he (Cal) initated contact with Mizzou, Indiana, and Oklahoma as well as State so if this wasn’t a ploy to get more $$$, then what was it. sure he might have been intrigued, but he wanted to get the respect out of Memphis that he felt he was owed after a great season. He got offered only a 10% raise when he was seeing guys like Bruce Pearl down the road get a 400k raise. just because he has made 20 mil, doesn’t mean he wants more…

  22. goobnav 04/12/2006 at 10:14 AM #

    Hey Blake, I’ll believe it was legit when my SH$% turns purple and smells like sherbert. If he was serious then ask yourself this question, why did he initiate after the his contract negotiations went south and not before.

  23. BJD95 04/12/2006 at 10:25 AM #

    Blake – you’re wrong. He set us up, lied to us, and humiliated us. This may have been more about POWER than MONEY, but there is no doubt that NC State was used and suckered.

  24. BlakeJohns 04/12/2006 at 10:27 AM #

    Also, to clear up two other rumors…Fowler absolutely DID go after Cal using all resources available. From a very reliable source, Cal put out a feeler to guage if NCSU might be interested. When Fowler got the feeler, he immediately put a full court press on. He called multiple friends from his days in Memphis, to put his game plan together – including one Mike DeCourcy of TSN. No, Fowler did not have boosters twisting his arm into pursuing Cal – he exercised his own free will, as he should.

    Second, this was never about “I’ve got to get out of Memphis because I hate this place.” I lived in Memphis for 5 years, and stayed in Raleigh off-an-on for 2 years. If I had to choose, Raleigh wins. But when you live like the King – which Cal does – and money is no object, then Memphis would not be bad. Someone asked when the last time a Memphis coach didn’t try to get out of town as quickly as possible, well that’s just ignorance. Memphis has had only 4 coaches in the last 30 years. None of those left for bigger jobs. They were all successful and happy, until something forced them out. The last time someone left for a bigger job was Gene Bartow leaving for UCLA to replace John Wooden – which you might say is a little bigger than Memphis or NCSU. So it’s not a job someone typically uses as a stepping stone.

    When the dust settled Memphis was just a better fit right now.

  25. beowolf 04/12/2006 at 10:39 AM #

    Memphis clip-cloppers now. This beats all I’ve ever seen. Lawdamercy.

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