Calipari Visited or Not?

Coach Cal might not be back next season to coach the Tigers. The Eyewitness Sports team just uncovered John Calipari and his staff visited Raleigh, North Carolina Monday, to look over North Carolina State’s facilities.

Coach Cal Checks Out NC State

About VaWolf82

Engineer living in Central Va. and senior curmudgeon amongst SFN authors One wife, two kids, one dog, four vehicles on insurance, and four phones on cell plan...looking forward to empty nest status. Graduated 1982


275 Responses to Calipari Visited or Not?

  1. gotohellcarolina 04/10/2006 at 8:49 PM #

    Good point, GoldenChain. I can’t imagine he would fly to visit if he weren’t leaning toward coming. Otherwise why fuel speculation. He obviously didn’t have to do much to get the AD sweating, and it would be overkill to fly out here.

  2. hoop 04/10/2006 at 8:50 PM #

    Yep. At this point he already knows what the Memphis counter offer is. And he’s still visiting. It’s pretty much done. Just counting fingers and toes.

  3. cam 04/10/2006 at 8:51 PM #

    typical unc fan. 2 or 3 years from the nit? You are an absolute idiot. That is why yall are the most hated fans in the would. I bet you even think chris lang was the greatest center in the history of the acc, oh never mind you probley wasn’t even a unc fan then because they sucked. probley just started pulling for them last year, just like have of your bandwagon fans. Where were all your fans in your 8-20 season, could’t find them.

  4. NeverGiveUp 04/10/2006 at 8:51 PM #

    I’d like some media confirmation that he is in town myself

  5. whitefang 04/10/2006 at 8:51 PM #

    I agree. If he is here…

  6. skicarib 04/10/2006 at 8:52 PM #

    gtl9919, GOD did beat you, Duke, and especially Maryland, throwing up 40+ spots all over you, aka David Thompson

  7. Jacques_Strap 04/10/2006 at 8:52 PM #

    Facilities are not a deal maker or a deal breaker. Memphis has great facilities with Fed Ex Forum. This is about big time money. They are saying Cal is coming for a facility review when in fact it is for one of two things – or maybe both.

    1. An interview with some trustee or academic knucklehead that can cause trouble if he does not bless the deal.

    2. A press conference.

    I hope – pray – that #1 is not even a possiblility.

  8. gotohellcarolina 04/10/2006 at 8:52 PM #

    No Doubt.

    Until ESPN says it, its just speculation.

  9. whitefang 04/10/2006 at 8:54 PM #

    Why would we let academic knuckleheads get in the way of really important things like sports???

  10. gotohellcarolina 04/10/2006 at 8:54 PM #

    I read an article on “who should stay, who should go on They didn’t even mention Ced.

  11. Jacques_Strap 04/10/2006 at 8:56 PM #

    Why would we let academic knuckleheads get in the way of really important things like sports???

    Strange times we live in when priorities are all screwed up.

  12. NeverGiveUp 04/10/2006 at 8:56 PM #

    is there another site I should be checking for new? I am relying on you guys to keep me up to the minute…uh second.. uh quater second

  13. cam 04/10/2006 at 8:58 PM #

    I just get really tired of these UNC fans. They are so bandwagon. I am tired of them killing us for “running” off sendek, when they didn’t even give Matt Have the time. They have there heads so far up their own ass, they don’t realize how stupid and igorant they sound. If they had to go through have of what us as state fans have gone through there would’t be any of them left. You could count them on one hand in the smith center.

  14. gotohellcarolina 04/10/2006 at 9:00 PM #

    They didn’t say he accepted. No matter how things look I can’t truss it, til i sees it.

  15. killa wuf 04/10/2006 at 9:00 PM #
  16. packwolf90 04/10/2006 at 9:01 PM #

    wine and cheese crowd. I hate them.

  17. NeverGiveUp 04/10/2006 at 9:02 PM #

    katz is an idiot

  18. skicarib 04/10/2006 at 9:02 PM #

    Right cam, as Sam Cassell best pontificated after the first Dean Dome game (which FSU won if memory serves me well) – “Nice wine and cheese crowd atmosphere”

  19. Scratch 04/10/2006 at 9:02 PM #

    Starting to have doubts again. Why do I feel like we’re being played?

  20. Packof82Cards 04/10/2006 at 9:02 PM #

    They don’t want to actually give State any credit what-so-ever for anything. A friend of mine (who is a Carolina fan) asked me why I hated UNC so much but not Duke in the same way and that is it. Most of the Duke fans that I know will give State credit and not make the stupid arrogant statements that seem to come out of 90% of UNC fans mouths. Why is it so hard for them to be reasonable?

  21. Jacques_Strap 04/10/2006 at 9:03 PM #

    Nothing new on the Memphis newspaper site.

    Can’t get into Memphis forum at

    Memphis sports talk radio but I can’t find a live stream

  22. gotohellcarolina 04/10/2006 at 9:03 PM #

    They don’t have fans, they have backers. Meaning when things are bad, they are way, way backers. That place is like lost refuge for Gap ad rejects.

  23. cam 04/10/2006 at 9:04 PM #

    I probley have 20 or so friends that are unc fans, and out of those I can say 1 and maybe 2 on a good day can be reasonable. That is sad

  24. packfiji 04/10/2006 at 9:05 PM #

    some updated news saying he was here

    or was he!?!?

  25. tvbman 04/10/2006 at 9:05 PM #

    someone over at the othe message boards called security at the RBC Center and asked if Calipari was there. Classic.

    However, the answer the guy gave was more surprising. The security guy told the caller that he was instructed to clear out all the media that may be in the parking lots.

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