50/50 (Update 9:00 AM)

Updated @ 9:00am

Sunday Evening UpdateJob is Cal’s if He Wants it

Sunday Afternoon UpdateWheels in Motion?

Today could be the day…or it might not be the day.

That is how good…and bad that we feel right now.

By now, it is no secret that NC State has engaged in significant talks with Memphis Head Coach John Calipari.

Although some reports indicate that a contract offer was not made and talks will continue, we can’t imagine a scenario where NC State loads up its Athletics Director and Chancellor to meet face to face with Calipari if an offer was not discussed; this opinion is underscored by Dave Glenn who shares more details than other sources and says that State’s $1.7 million offer “overwhelmed” Calipari.

* We think Memphis is working very hard behind the scenes to pull something together to appease Coach Cal. But, Glenn’s comments on compensation makes us feel a little better:

“He used the word ‘overwhelming,'” the source said. “He said, going into the meeting, he was just going to listen. He came out and said he doesn’t think there’s any way Memphis can afford to pay the kind of money N.C. State is offering.”

One possible explanation for Calipari’s apparent skepticism about Memphis’ ability to match NCSU’s offer is the stark contrast in the size of the schools’ athletic budgets. According to tax forms, NCAA-sponsored data and other resources, the Tigers’ athletic department spent about $24.3 million during the 2004-05 fiscal year, compared to more than $37 million for the Wolfpack.

* We think that the folks at NC State have more confidence about the Calipari situation than they are letting on. But, our sources tell us that Memphis is working hard behind the scenes. Since the job has not formally been accepted, then Memphis has a shot.

* Are we on the verge of greatness again or are we about to suffer a huge embarrassment? Fifteen years have ingrained in all of us to fear the “other shoe dropping”. SFN thinks the race is currently as too close to call. The rational side of the analysis really leans towards Calipari coming to State. But, one cannot look at this chain of events and not fear a Jim Valvano and UCLA scenario where we are suddenly UCLA.

* One notable difference between the Valvano/UCLA situation and the Cal/NCSU situation is that Valvano was more deeply rooted in Raleigh and at NC State than Calipari at Memphis. As we all know, Raleigh / NC State / ACC is a very unique situation and Valvano loved it here. In addition to being one of the most established coaches in the ACC, he was one of the biggest celebrities in the conference and the area, which he wouldn’t have been at UCLA.

* We think that any announcement today – the earlier the better – would be a positive thing for NC State. It would make sense that Memphis can’t just snap their fingers and make money appear. That takes time. If they could make the money appear so quickly, why haven’t they before today? The wild card in this is, of course, Fed Ex founder Fred Smith. He can snap his fingers and make money appear.

* If this became a financial pissing contest, we would expect it to go no higher than $2 million per year. At that point the difference is going to come down to the allure of the ACC vs Calipari’s established program (and personal life) in/at Memphis. The Tigers have a legitimate opportunity to make national noise next year on the court.

* We are on high alert expecting that an answer could literally come at any moment. The longer that this drags out past mid-day on Tuesday, the worse it is for NC State. We say Tuesday because if Memphis finds a way to match the offer today, then we wouldn’t be surprised to see NC State reach back into the vault and raise the stakes.

* By all accounts, Sunday’s flight and meeting with Calipari was not designed to be public. This is why SFN did not reference the flight until hours after message board posters all over the internet were tracking the plane. The last thing that we would want to do is negatively impact the search; which is also why most of what you have been reading here are comments after things have developed and analysis on the information.

* The public revelantion of the flight/meeting should not hurt us with Calipari. In fact, it may help us as it ultimately accelerates his timetable and puts Memphis under a tougher time contraint to move quickly. The shorter the time, the harder it is for Memphis to get their ducks in a row. All we do is counter with a higher number and they have to try to do it again.

* The public nature of the news WILL hurt NC State from a PR perspective if we miss on Calipari. That is why we are saying that we haven’t offered to anyone that will listen.

* 1090 AM in Raleigh is reporting that NC State spoke with Villanova Head Coach, Jay Wright on Saturday. This would help explain a comment that Wright (seemingly inadvertently) slipped into an interview over the weekend that referenced State and Calipari’s conversations. SFN has no confirmation on this and we don’t know if this contact was “official” (ie – made through Fowler or the Wolfpack Club).

* We think that the Wolfpack Club, Lee Fowler, and NC State have made their play and we are very appreciative for the effort. It sounds like State has done all that we can do at this point.

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194 Responses to 50/50 (Update 9:00 AM)

  1. monte kiffin 04/10/2006 at 11:10 AM #

    IMHO, they wouldnt have flown to memhis just to be turned down…

  2. WAWolf 04/10/2006 at 11:14 AM #

    This is getting way too nerve-wracking. Somebody needs to make a “Calipari spotted in Raleigh” video to relieve the tension. Please, we need some comic relief! Anyone? Bueller?

  3. DavidThompson 04/10/2006 at 11:18 AM #

    I am just tring to get some hope…Good point Monte. Well I bet we know by Thursday. Because Easter things start Thursday. GOD please bring JC to the Pack.

  4. NCStateDude92 04/10/2006 at 11:19 AM #

    amen, as a person avidly folloing the search i am opptimistic, but as a state fan prior experience tells me we will screw this up somehow. *fingers crossed for calipari*

  5. Jeremy Hyatt 04/10/2006 at 11:22 AM #

    Yesterday we were very confident, but this hedged on the fact that Calipari was going to be on the plane coming back, and also that our Chancellor doesn’t just “interview”.

    Well he wasn’t on the plane back, and we know he is talking back to Memphis, which makes perfect business sense.

    What I think we should appreciate about this and the Barnes situation is we are trying to “pluck” (some may use the words steal) a high profile coach from a University where he has had profound success. Calipari seems more “pluckable” because of his fire and desire for competitiion. We are putting much stock in his desire to measure himself with K and Roy, although you don’t need to be in the ACC to do so. Hopefully, our top dollar will top Memphis’s top dollar.

    In any case, we should realize the cards are to some extent stacked against us. A girl given a choice between two lovers is more likely to choose the one she is married to and has more history with. Why give up everything to start over? How do you know it will work out? Will you be loved the same way?

  6. marathonman 04/10/2006 at 11:30 AM #

    Jeremy…excellent comparison….I like the Harlequin novel approach….we said all along that hiring Calipari would require an interview because some had reservations…so we conducted the interview and liked what we heard and made an offer. It’s only natural that Memphis is going to try to match it and hold onto their successful coach. But this guy has fire in his belly and not going to be satisfied in Conf USA as evidenced by his experiment in the NBA. He needs the ACC. Also impressive that we weren’t just assuming the interview would go well and sitting on our hands…we’ve got the Wright angle working (no pun intednded) and that’s got to be on Caliparis’ mind also…..

  7. 155mm 04/10/2006 at 11:36 AM #

    * “Unfortunately, I read this as Coach Cal simply trying to get more money from Memphis. Why else would he leak that he was ‘overwhelmed’ by the NC State offer? Like Barnes, I think his current situation is too good to leave.” *

    Maybe, but I don’t think so. Calipari was a front runner for Indiana but was uninterested and never even spoke or met with them. Apparently he is interested in NCSU. I suppose the proximity to his parents, comfort with Fowler and east coast roots play a part in all of this. But the money is what Cal has always been about after season’s end, so IMHO it’s all about how much he can get at this point.

    He is a businessman and has always renegotiated his deal at each opportunity. I’d be amazed if he turned down a raise like Barnes type money would give him. Maybe NCSU will decide not to make that kind of offer, but Fowler is in a very tough spot. If Fowler offers less than Barnes money you guys are going to go nuts, and have legit reasons for doing so.

    Anyway, my sense is Cal ultimately leaves but is holding out for more money. He can afford not to blink for a while as the pressure grows on Fowler to cough up the big bucks. NCSU fans appear to want Cal badly and are not happy with Fowler right now. Until the point in time where NCSU fans start to get pissed that Cal won’t make a decision he is in the driver’s seat for more money.

    Anyway that’s how I see it, could be totally wrong of course. 😉

  8. cfpack03 04/10/2006 at 11:43 AM #

    “Calipari was a front runner for Indiana but was uninterested and never even spoke or met with them.”

    True. If he were looking for a raise, he could have used Indiana just as effectively.

  9. Wolf80 04/10/2006 at 11:45 AM #
  10. VaWolf82 04/10/2006 at 11:50 AM #

    NCSU fans…are not happy with Fowler right now.

    This is not a new development.

  11. NCST890 04/10/2006 at 11:51 AM #

    It’s all been a big smokescreen…there is a 4:00pm press conference scheduled for today to announce Jeff Ruland from Iona as our new coach.

  12. 155mm 04/10/2006 at 11:59 AM #

    NCSU fans…are not happy with Fowler right now.

    LOL. I gathered that, but was trying to be polite.

    OT – how do you use quotes on wordpress?

    “” test 1
    “[]” [i]test 2[/i]
    If one of these tests fails I need shooling.

  13. VaWolf82 04/10/2006 at 12:04 PM #

    I’m just using italics to designate quotes:

    Use “less than” and “greater than” instead of brackets.

    (Where did you get 155 mm? Canon shell? Camera lens?)

  14. WestCoast 04/10/2006 at 12:10 PM #

    How can we be unhappy with Fowler right now? I can see perhaps being unhappy that he didn’t hire Cal five years ago, but it is what it is. Sendek’s gone, finally. Fowler is out there throwing mad cash, and is probably the main reason we even have Cal on the table. It was the faculty that loved Sendek’s ways, so you know Fowler had to do some convincing to get them to fly out there on Sunday. I can smell what the “Fowler” is cooking!

  15. 155mm 04/10/2006 at 12:16 PM #

    check this out


    I know & used to work with Rick Spell and can’t believe he went on the record like that. He is pretty plugged in at U of Memphis, so if he is worried Cal is leaving then that confirms my gut feel. Cal is probably gone and is playing poker for more money. People at work think Cal is outta here by roughly 5 to 1.

    FWIW I live in Memphis & have season tickets. Not an alumni or anything just like CBB & became a fan of the team over time since I go to the games. Following this story because basically I’m bored to death at work today and I like this blog alot even though I’m neutral on NCSU. If Cal goes there I’ll have to pull for them some though.

    I think Cal will do very well at NCSU and you will like everything about him except the annual reworking of the contract.

    (Where did you get 155 mm? Canon shell? Camera lens?)
    LOL. No good reason. I was watching a history channel show on artillery when I registered somewhere awhile back and it just kind happened. Short & easy to type.

  16. 74Pack 04/10/2006 at 12:17 PM #

    I can’t seem to access the Memphis boards today. Has anybody else checked them?

  17. motorhead 04/10/2006 at 12:48 PM #

    I want to know who was the one that got the flight data yesterday. That was a great idea.

  18. NeverGiveUp 04/10/2006 at 12:54 PM #

    i believe the first person to post the flightaware info on this sight was yannes

  19. DavidThompson 04/10/2006 at 1:00 PM #
  20. NCSU4LIFE 04/10/2006 at 1:02 PM #

    DAMNIT cannot access it from work. Would someone copy and paste the article? Thanks.

  21. 74brickyard83 04/10/2006 at 1:06 PM #

    “Originally i was told Calipari and Co. were coming here. Not the case after all. Lee Fowler flew to Memphis this morning and is wrapping this up. calipari met with his staff last night and let the situation be known. it would also appear he is bringing a majority of his people with him as indicated by last nights staff meeting” – NCSUbarman

  22. chris92heel 04/10/2006 at 1:09 PM #

    Greg Doyel a unc shill? LOL. He’s a clown who likes pissing people off. The heels have been the target of his nonsense on many occasions.

  23. 98st8 04/10/2006 at 1:11 PM #

    74brickyard83… where are you getting this info? are you saying last night that he met with his staff????? Trying to get a clearer picture of what is going on

  24. Tau837 04/10/2006 at 1:13 PM #

    One of the supposedly in the know posters on the Memphis board posted this there recently:

    “Cal loves the Tiger Nation. Team will be told later today. I suspect there will also be a press release or press conference this afternoon.”

    He clearly believes Cal will stay, but appears to know there is a team meeting scheduled. Could just as easily be to tell the team he is leaving. I hope this is true, that we will find out today one way or another.

  25. chris92heel 04/10/2006 at 1:14 PM #

    I think that quote was made yesterday afternoon, so last night would be saturday night.

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