Barnes Pre Game Comments on Sendek has posted the Rick Barnes transcript.

“I don’t know if I grew up a State fan, I think I grew up an ACC fan.”

“Obviously my very first job in college coaching was with one of the great Wolfpack’s of all-time, Eddie Biedenbach. Through all that I’ve always been a fan of NC State, obviously.”

“I know this, if there was any job open today, if the NC State job was open today, and Herb Sendek was somewhere else, he’d be one of the first people they would call. He’s going to do it right, he’s going to do it in the way that the players are going to love it, and you have to admire him for the way he goes about his business.”

“I’ll be quite frank, I don’t think it has ever been fair for the way he has been treated. I think he is one of the most underated coaches. I think he has poured everything he’s had into the State job, and I don’t think they can find a better coach to coach their team than him.”

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27 Responses to Barnes Pre Game Comments on Sendek

  1. 4NCST8 03/19/2006 at 9:41 PM #

    I like Rick Barnes, but I agree with the last poster. If Barnes doesn’t want the job, that’s fine. You have to know that there are takers for the biggest basketball stage in the country: the ACC. If Barnes doesn’t think Herb’s been treated fairly, maybe Barnes doesn’t need to come here.

    Herb’s gotten ten years out of State. Been paid millions, despite not giving the school any ACC titles. Sure, we’ve been to the NCAA five times. Fair. But we’re not close to UNC and Duke’s level. UNC spanked us in Raleigh by 24 points and they had a young team and will only get better.

    I’ll grant that some of the criticism of Herb has, at times, gone beyond the pale.

    But for Rick Barnes, on the Herb Sendek treatment deal: Cry me a river.

    Herb’s been paid a lot and given State no titles in return. Sure, he’s caught a lot of grief in the past few years, but he and his family are set for life financially. If Sendek had won an ACC title or two in ten long years, even though he has the most boring, cerebral personality in the world, I could see the “mistreatment” argument.

    But that’s a weak argument on Barnes’ part. Plus, both Sendek and Barnes are part of the coaching fraternity. None of them wants to see another lose his job. It’s that simple.

  2. kwolf68 03/21/2006 at 9:55 PM #

    “I don’t know if I grew up a State fan, I think I grew up an ACC fan.�

    -Anyone concerned that Rick Barnes has forgotten whether or not he was a State fan growing up? Was he or wasn’t he? Did aliens suck out his long term memory.

    This entire thing just “feels” like Barnes is our next coach, but I know that’s too much of a dream.

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