6-2 At the Turn

=====> NC State 66 Virginia 64
I’m loving the level (and the manner) in which our community conducts conversations here. This is a real nice discussion after last night’s win that talks about some micro and macro issues. It does a very nice job of putting the micro and the macro issues into concise perspective.

As excited as I am about surviving the strongest part of State’s ACC schedule with a 6-2 record, I think that Caulton Tudor is providing a fair and accurate reality-check when he labels this a “Bad win for State” And, Tudor is being very consistent in his comments; prior to the game he shared his expectations:

The Wolfpack should win this game by 15-20 points. That Virginia will make its ACC turn at no worse than 4-4 says a lot about the coaching job that’s been done by Dave Leitao.

Right now, he would win a league coach of the year vote in a landslide. He’s completely reversed the team’s defensive and rebounding intensity. But the Cavaliers have benefitted substantially from the generally weak condition of the league.

Other than Duke, there’s no compelling evidence that the ACC has another exceptional team. The Wolfpack aspires to that level. The first step in that direction is winning big at home over outmanned opponents.

Those pre-game expectations led to the following conclusions after the game:

And really, calling this one a bad win is giving State every possible benefit of the doubt. It was an awful win, a lucky win. A 10-point underdog entering the game, Virginia outplayed State almost throughout.

The win was enough to improve State’s record to 6-2 at the turn in the ACC regular season. That is also enough for second place in the league, but not good enough for the Pack to feel comfortable. The performance State delivered Wednesday had second-round NCAA elimination written all over it.

Tudor must really hate Herb to have those thoughts. (sarcasm)

=====> Flashback
Talk about a countrast…just for fun go back almost exactly 365 days to State’s inexusable loss to the Cavs and look at what was being said at the time. It’s called winning.

=====> Did you know that Billy Cunnigham was the Kangaroo Kid?
If you did not know this…then you have not watched an ACC Basketball this season.

What the hell is the deal with Food Lion’s “Legends of the ACC” during JP Broadcasts? It should be renamed, “Legend” of the ACC, because evidently Billy Cunningham, the Kangaroo Kid, of UNC is the only legend in the conference’s history.

I’ve been watching games all year and don’t know if I have seen a different player discussed. It’s exhausting. And pretty embarassing for Food Lion.

=====> Looking Ahead
I have said it all year — NC State’s talent, depth, experience, and components (2 athletic, senior guards) really should be able to navigate 13-3 or better in this year’s Atlantic Coast Conference race. At 6-2 with road games at Duke, Carolina, and Boston College behind us, I think that this record is firmly within our grasp. (I will refrain from shouting, “It’s about friggin time”!)

Although it is a common exercise amongst the fanbase, I don’t understand how so many fans arbitrarily choose numbers to decide what represents a good season for the program without some real thought and statistical benchmarking. A quick look at history indicates that there have been 13 ACC programs to achieve a 13-3 or better record in ACC play since Herb Sendek arrived in Raleigh. Maryland, Duke, Carolina, and Wake have all done it MORE THAN ONCE. (Sendek has achieved only 3 winning seasons in the ACC in nine years – with 11-5 representing his best record).

In light of these programs’ ability to achieve such a record (in obviously tougher ACC years), I do not know why NC State shouldn’t be expected to FINALLY succeeed on a similar level with our best team in a decade. Additionally, this year’s Wolfpack schedule includes only one game against Duke and no road game at Maryland. With this kind of schedule dilution compared to the strength of the league in the past when these programs were able to achieve their 13-3 or better…then there is no reason that it is beyond the realm of acceptability to FINALLY achieve something that four other programs have each done more than once.

A couple of weeks ago, I got into heated debates on Pack Pride’s Message Boards about this very topic. The amazing thing was that because I hoped/expected/could foresee some actual success for the program, I was lambasted by many of the Herb Sendek Sunshine Squad for expecting too much (in friggin year 10). It is truly amazing, but incredibly insightful into this group’s mindset. After ten years of NOT achieving high-water marks that five different ACC programs have been able to achieve in the same time period, this set of fans STILL does not think that NC State fans deserve similar success. Obviously, they never will believe that we should achieve successes similar to our peers.

But, I see a chance this season to finally create a season of national significance and I do not apologize for wanting it nor expecting it after almost 20 years of not having one and after giving this coach a decade to deliver one.

General NCS Basketball

123 Responses to 6-2 At the Turn

  1. Mr. O 02/03/2006 at 12:35 PM #

    Vawolf: Well, then last year was Sweet 16 which was our best NCAA tournament performance since 1989.

    Fells played against Clemson because Grant was late for a team breakfast. He didn’t make any shots, but I think he showed flashes of his potential. We will be inexperienced in the backcourt.

    I don’t see a reason to wait to make projections. Sure Simmons could go pro and Brackman may give up basketball. But at this point, they appear to be a part of next year’s team. If that changes, then obviously the projections will change.

  2. class of '74 02/03/2006 at 1:15 PM #

    Anything is possible but I’d bet the farm on Simmons not going pro and as for Brackman, well he better get quicker and more confident or some freshmen will be taking his spot anyway! The Werner kid looks good right now.

  3. BJD95 02/03/2006 at 2:23 PM #

    O – I agree that there’s too much spin in all directions. I hate it all. I just want to see PERFORMANCE from both of our revenue sports. Although Sendek hasn’t gotten as far as he needs to be yet, I’m obviously much more satisfied with his recent performance than Amato’s.

    Remember the old constant complaint from HSSS (and really, there’s very little of that in the comments here as opposed to Pack Pride) that we would NEVER treat Amato like we treated Sendek – b/c we “like” Amato and “hate” Sendek. Didn’t hear much of that after the Clemson game this year, did you?

    For 90% of us, we like NC STATE. Amato and Sendek are simply highly paid employees that we expect to do great things FOR NC STATE. I don’t see the need to “feel” good or bad for either one of them. In other words, I would never post somethhing like “Go Herby!” and likewise never used the lame phrase “In Chuck We Trust.” I roll my eyes at both equally.

    FWIW, I think Sendek personally handled the criticism like a man (whether I liked his public statements or not), and Amato has most certainly not. I do respect that.

  4. VaWolf82 02/03/2006 at 2:35 PM #

    FWIW, I think Sendek personally handled the criticism like a man

    There was a quote from Marcus Melvin about Sendek and all of the criticism that Sendek was getting. He said that Sendek always acted the same with the team…even when things were not going well and the criticism was flying. It’s hard to be under pressure and not take it out on those around you. Sendek should be commended for “courage under fire”.

  5. Mr. O 02/03/2006 at 2:38 PM #

    BJD95: Amato got tons of criticism last year just like you said. We even had our own fans calling him a “clown” for wearing the red shoes. I also agree with you on how the two coaches have handled the criticism. I think criticism of Herb Sendek is much less justified than criticism of Chuck Amato at this point.

  6. Rick 02/03/2006 at 2:40 PM #

    “We have now set a record for consecutive weeks being ranked that went back to 1989.”

    So in other words, this is the best consecutive week run for coaches named Sendek or Robinson. This is quite an accomplishment. Maybe we should put up a banner for it.

  7. Mr. O 02/03/2006 at 3:29 PM #

    Rick: That mark was a sign of forward progress. Vawolf said the program had stagnated, so I used that statistic as a sign that the program was not stagnant. In the context of this discussion, it was relevant. Nobody is saying to hang a banner for anything.

  8. Mr. O 02/03/2006 at 3:33 PM #

    Vawolf82: Sendek was dead in the water 5 years ago. Making the round of 32 with a team of Archie Miller, Grundy and a bunch of freshman was against all odds. It was a miracle that Sendek survived that year and now has the program pretty well-positioned. Going into year 6, there was simply no way that Herb was going to survive past that year. I don’t think anyone can question his toughness and ability to handle criticism and adversity.

  9. Rick 02/03/2006 at 3:49 PM #

    “Vawolf said the program had stagnated, so I used that statistic as a sign that the program was not stagnant.”
    Actually I think he said the past four years were stagnated with this year looking better.

    Hey maybe we make another jump this year like we did Hodge’s Frosh year. That would certainy be nice.

  10. Mr. O 02/03/2006 at 3:58 PM #

    I used the 1st Sweet 16 since 1989 as a step forward for last year and then the consecutive weeks ranked as a step forward this year.

    The mark Herb needs to hit this year is Final 8. We certainly need to start playing better if that is going to be a reality though.

  11. PACDADDY 02/04/2006 at 1:04 AM #

    This discussion was great…both sides…I’ll add…

    Please leave Amato out of “the great Herb debate”. Different sport…4 bowl wins in 5 seasons…A short time in top 10…I think we’ll be pretty good next season, if the LB’ers and Oline step up.

    Lastly…if a Sweet 16, 2 ACC tourney finals, 3-4 top 25 final poll finishes and HOPEFULLY 2 second place finishes in last 3 seasons is ‘STAGNET”…then WHY DO WE ARGUE?

    Only great things to come!

  12. lumberpack 02/04/2006 at 8:32 AM #

    Back to the probation issues:

    Kentucky orchestrated our probation in 1959
    Kentucky and I think LSU also offered the girl a ride
    Carolina orchestrated our and Duke’s probation in 1973 (Yes boys and girls Duke was penalized too)
    Why does everyone forget Duke’s role in that?
    The News and Observer and foes of Centenial Center orchestrated the mess in 1989-90
    This is well documented.

    Smile you are a jerk. 🙂

  13. class of '74 02/04/2006 at 9:28 AM #

    Does a return to the sweet sixteen classify as stagnating? Or just making the NCAAT classify as stagnating?

  14. VaWolf82 02/04/2006 at 9:31 AM #

    Lastly…if a Sweet 16, 2 ACC tourney finals, 3-4 top 25 final poll finishes is ‘STAGNET�…then WHY DO WE ARGUE?

    Great question. – I deleted PD’s speculation because I never included this year when I said that the program wasn’t improving (which to me has a different connotation than stagnant)….and because he is just speculating again.

    I think that the answer lies in the expectations of individual fans. Speaking only for myself….the accomplishments you listed are real and maybe even significant….but represent new definitions of success.

    Instead of ACCT championships….some are happy with cumulatitive winning percentage in the ACCT or making the finals.

    Instead of regular season championships…some are happy with second place.

    Instead of deep runs in the NCAAT….some are happpy with just making the NCAAT or with end of the year rankings.

    Some are completely satisified with a S-16 and while they hope/wish for deeper runs….they are not requirements for them.

    My goals/requirements have not changed. If something is worthy of a banner….then it is a significant accomplishment. Everything else is pretty much like moral victories. I want real ones (victories and accomplishments)….not ones that have to include a justification paragraph.

  15. VaWolf82 02/04/2006 at 9:32 AM #


    My claim has always been that State has not made signigicant improvements over the last four years…which doesn’t include the season in progress.

    Where is that edit button?

  16. VaWolf82 02/04/2006 at 9:43 AM #

    Does a return to the sweet sixteen classify as stagnating? Or just making the NCAAT classify as stagnating?

    We can (and have) argue about “improvement” for a long time. I do not see “constant”, “consistent” or “significant” progress in the following seasons:

    9-7………Lost on Sun………..1-1
    9-7………Lost on Sun………..0-1
    11-5…….Lost on Sat…………1-1
    7-9………Lost on Sat…………2-1

  17. class of '74 02/04/2006 at 10:55 AM #

    ^Agree completely. Now would an ACC championship and a first round loss in the NCAAT be viewed as improvement?

  18. VaWolf82 02/04/2006 at 12:12 PM #

    Now would an ACC championship and a first round loss in the NCAAT be viewed as improvement?

    Why do you get to ask all of the questions? 😉 Give me a championship and I will quit mentioning improvement….how about that?

    “Improvement” is not the real goal. Are Duke and K still improving? Cries of improvement are made along with cries for patience with the current regime…any sport, any level, any team. At some point (like 10 years?), discussions of improvement shouldn’t still be going on.

    The goals are championships (of any kind) and significant advancements in the NCAAT. So I will change your question into one on the relative importance between conference championships and NCAAT performance.

    Personally, I would rather have an ACCT championship than another S-16 (assuming I can’t have both). However, I would rather have a Final Four appearance than a conference championship (ACCT or reg season).

  19. PACDADDY 02/04/2006 at 12:14 PM #

    “Instead of ACCT championships….some are happy with cumulatitive winning percentage in the ACCT or making the finals.

    Instead of regular season championships…some are happy with second place.

    Instead of deep runs in the NCAAT….some are happpy with just making the NCAAT or with end of the year rankings.”

    VA…you claimed the program was stagnet during last 4 seasons…I gave examples of what most fans of most any program in the Nation would be excited to have this kind of success.

    “Happy” is such a boring word. I’m “content” with competing at the highest level. Just because we are consistently amoug the top programs in the ACC doesn’t mean we’re never going to win banners.

    And you say I draw too many assumptions?

  20. VaWolf82 02/04/2006 at 12:25 PM #

    VA…you claimed the program was stagnet during last 4 seasons

    I never used that term and I said that there was no siginificant improvement. That is not the same as saying that the seasons were busts.

    doesn’t mean we’re never going to win banners.

    Once again, you’re reading something that I didn’t write. I never made projections about the future….just pointing out the extremely small number to date.

    “Happy� is such a boring word. I’m “content�

    I never thought of content as an exciting word. I wasn’t specifically adressing you. You’re already on record as saying that your expectations of Herb are rising and will continue to rise. Other members of the Sunshine Squad appear to be truly “happy”….or at least paint a “happy face.”

  21. class of '74 02/04/2006 at 12:31 PM #

    In the old days an ACC championship was paramount. Now with seemingly everyone that’s worth a flip getting in the field of 64, deep runs like elite eight or final fours are the benchmark for meaningful seasons. That’s where I think we should be setting our sights. Not convinced we are approaching that level yet.

  22. Mr. O 02/06/2006 at 2:25 PM #

    If we win 11 or 12 games this year and make a Sweet 16, then I would consider that progress. This would be the first season we have been outstanding in the regular season (12 wins would be the 6th best single ACC season in NC State history, 11 wins would be a tie for the 11th best season) and then a 2nd straight year of making a decent run in the NCAAs.

    Sweet 16s are banner worthy years IMO, not great years but you are at least playing in the correct ballgame. If you give yourself enough opportunities, then at some point you will advance further like Maryland finally did with Gary Williams.

    A Final 8 this year would be a big step for the program.

  23. VaWolf82 02/06/2006 at 2:41 PM #

    If you give yourself enough opportunities, then at some point you will advance further like Maryland finally did with Gary Williams.

    I disagree with this logic. Making a deep run is not about luck or enough opportunities…it is about having a good team and a good coach…..I’m talking top-25 minimum and probably top-10. Out of the last four years, State was only in the top-25 once…and that year ended horribly to Vandy.

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