Amato’s Record vs ACC

Staturday’s victory over Maryland brings a close to the sixth regular season of the Chuck Amato football coaching era.

Today’s win should insure that the Wolfpack will play in their fifth bowl of Amato’s six year tenure; only Dick Sheridan coached NC State teams to more bowls when he earned 6 bids in 7 years, a feat that Amato will try to match next season.

Although Amato’s overall performance at the helm of the NC State program is already record setting – 3rd winningest coach in history & 2nd most bowls – his performance within the Atlantic Coast Conference has been less stellar:

0-1 vs Boston College
2-4 vs Clemson
4-0 vs Duke
3-3 vs Florida State
2-4 vs Georgia Tech
2-4 vs Maryland
0-1 vs Miami
3-3 vs North Carolina
2-2 vs Virginia
1-1 vs Virginia Tech
4-2 vs Wake Forest

Summary Statistics:

* 23- 25 overall ACC record.

* Winning record against 2 ACC programs – Wake Forest and Duke.

* .500 record against 4 ACC programs.

* Losing record against 5 ACC programs.

* 11-5 vs the Big Four

General NCS Football

28 Responses to Amato’s Record vs ACC

  1. Wulfpack 05/19/2006 at 10:41 PM #

    The issue to me is ACC expansion. I always felt we were FSU’s greatest competition before for the expansion. Now, with Miami, Va. Tech and BC in the league, it’s going to be very tough. I just feel like the landscape is much different. His record against UNC isn’t helping matters. And I’ve never been more embarassed of our defense as Wake has run it down our throats the past few years. There’s a long way to go if we are going to be a contender for the ACC crown.

  2. PackRed 11/13/2006 at 1:39 AM #

    Truth really is, Amato cant keep an assistant coach long enough to nail down a system. He no longer as Rivers which was the smratest QB we have ever had. He can,t recruit except for lineman and defensive men, The offense is about as good as it will ever be. The worst discipline of a team I have ever encountered. We dont need Hollywood, we need a coach. My bet is Cowers. I believe he wants to come to Raleigh

  3. PackRed 11/15/2006 at 5:30 PM #

    A loss to Carolina, which they have the momentum, would do us in as far as recruiting. Inside sources, say the pack players have had it and they realy could care less as to a win at Chapel Hill. What the heck, even if we beat the worse team in the ACC, we are the second worse and then finish up with ECU. How bad can it get.

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