Return to Meltdown

One might hope that, despite the somewhat fluky nature of State’s win last Thursday in Atlanta, it was still a win the Pack could build on. Get some positive momentum, come out fired up and deliver a win for the long-suffering home crowd that hadn’t seen a home ACC win since a 2004 OT triumph over league punching bag Wake Forest. The first 2 series for each team saw NC State dominate, but score no points. Then it all went downhill, faster than a California mudslide. The Tiggers end their 3-game losing streak and defend their Textile Bowl title.

When you boil this game down to its essence, it’s the FOUR – that’s right, FOUR – NC State possessions that started inside Clemson’s 40 yard line (2 kickoff returns, 2 turnovers). The Wolfpack turned those into a grand total of THREE POINTS. That’s simply laughable, and won’t allow you to beat bad teams, let alone mediocre ones like Clemson.

NC State just called a timeout down 21 with 1:52 to go. A well-deserved boo cascades from the few remaining in the stands. I don’t like booing unpaid college athletes, but booing the timeout is entirely appropriate. Some of “us people” have day jobs, Chuck. Not that you should have one much longer.

Those who have read my internet and blog posts over the years probably notice a much less angry tone tonight. Indeed, in my 12-step recovery process, I’m way past denial and anger. I’m well into acceptance of our raw suckitude at this point. It’s really hard to imagine a more complete sucking effort than what we gave tonight. We punted and returned kickoffs well. Literally, that’s it.

There’s the final gun – Clemson 31, NC State 10. Holy shit, let the meltdown begin in earnest.

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.

General NCS Football

29 Responses to Return to Meltdown

  1. lumberpack 10/14/2005 at 7:29 PM #

    Three years ago I warned everyone that we had reached the highwater mark the week of the GT game in Raleigh that we blew, now the question is how low the water will receede.

  2. VaWolf82 10/14/2005 at 11:35 PM #

    Going into the season, I had listed the following as question marks for the team:
    – QB
    – Offensive Line
    – LB and DB depth

    I’m not happy with the answers on any of my questions…..but I never expected to add a completely ineffective DL as one of the problem areas for this team. I just can’t see it getting any better now that a number of starters are getting hurt and banged up. Having survived Monte Kiffin, Tom Reed, Mike O’Cain, Les Robinson, and Herb Sendek, I know exactly how to handle the rest of this season…..ignore it!

  3. Mike 10/17/2005 at 7:13 PM #

    It is quite simple. Anyone who knows football knows the problems. Chuck and his staff of the season are fooling us all and laughing all the way to the bank. Trestman as OC? Give me a break. One would think the ESPN crew is being paid to praise Trestman. “Trestman has been in the NFL for 22 years, what a great steal for NC State to get himâ€?. He has been with 10 teams in 22 years because the NFL teams run him out of town. He had one good year in 22 taking the Raiders to the Super Bowl, probably in spite of him, not becuase of him. We had 1st and goal a couple times against Clemson, threw 1 pass into the end zone, several short passes at the line of scrimmage. It is a regualr occurrence. Anyone who watches film, sorry video, knows what we will run before we run it. I sit there and call the plays we will run, and sure enough, I am usually right. If I can do that, so can opposing coaches paid to know what we will do. Every year, clock management at end of game or half costs us. I remember a couple years ago, opposing team driving late, already in FG range, and we let the clock run with 3 TO’s remaining. We will have 3 TO’s when we get the ball back down by 3. Guess what, we got the ball back wiht 3 TO’s and 7 seconds left. Coaching is awful, has been awful, and as long as we turnover assistants every year, will continue to be awful. Fire Amato? The head coach is an administrator – the assistants make the difference. Chuck is great for publicity, emotion, and recruiting. Keep Chuck IF he can keep assistants long term. if Chuck is too difficult to work for and the assistants are forced away, then Chuck needs to go too.

  4. peter hamilton 10/21/2005 at 10:47 PM #

    Darrell Blackman is the best and should start

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